Wise Words With... 

Mr Graeme Jolliffe | Principal


As we prepare for the Celebration Assemblies at the end of the year, I have had cause to do some research into gratitude, which I intend to speak to at the Secondary Assembly. The information uncovered has been fascinating and yet not surprising. Let me share my findings with you briefly.


Gratitude, or the practice of being thankful, has positive effects on psychological, emotional and physical well-being.

Emotional and Psychological Benefits

People who display gratitude have:

  • Increased happiness and life satisfaction
  • Reduced depression and anxiety
  • Enhanced emotional resilience

Social Benefits

People who display gratitude have:

  • Improved relationships 
  • Increased empathy
  • Reduced aggression

Physical Benefits

People who display gratitude:

  • Get better sleep
  • Have lower blood pressure and improved heart health
  • Enhanced immune function

Cognitive and Behavioural Effects

People who display gratitude have

  • Greater optimism
  • Increased motivation and goal achievement

Long Term Benefits

People who display gratitude:

  • Have sustained wellbeing
  • Build a positive feedback loop which reinforces the practice of thankfulness.


It is very interesting just how significant displaying gratitude leads to so much well-being and relationships for both the individual and those around them. I think it behoves both parents and NCS to be modelling gratitude for the sake of our students and to encourage our students to be thankful for all the blessings they have, not just for their personal benefit or for the benefit of the wider community but because this is something that contributes to us being better people. In future Wise Words, I would like to delve into the research on the benefits of gratitude for the wider community and also a biblical case study of a bible character who displayed gratitude in quite adverse circumstances. Have a great Christmas and we look forward after all the festivities to the New Year in 2025.