Learning News

Learning News Weeks 7-8, Term 4 2024
Learning News
As well as all of regular learning, as we draw nearer to the end of the school year, our classes are preparing for not only the end of school year celebrations such as graduation, end of year Mass, K-2 Christmas Pageant and class performances, but also the birth of Jesus. Advent is a time of preparation and waiting, waiting for the birth of Christ. Amidst all of the craziness that occurs at this time of the school and calendar year, it is important to remember what we are preparing for. Our classes have completed a range of activities including making a Jesse tree (where we journey through the stories on Jesus's family tree), prayer services and collecting items for a hamper for those less fortunate than ourselves. It has been wonderful to see some of the kindness the students have shown one another and our community during this special time.
Yours in learning,
Cathy Shepherd
Kinder have had some fun, hands-on learning in Science to finish the end of term. As part of our unit on ‘Materials’, the children have been testing out different materials and their properties. The children used foil to create boats and explored the concept of ‘waterproof’ materials. The children also made a little clay figurine and tested materials like paper, foil, baking paper and cling film as an umbrella over the figurine. The children made some great observations and worked hard on their experiments. Well done Kinder!
Miss Fraser
Year 1
In between Musical practice and Presentation Day practice, Year 1 found some time to make some fun banana cars by carefully following instructions. They then wrote a procedure of the materials and steps to create the yummy food (and asked to take it home to do in the holidays!). Great job Year 1!
Mrs G and Miss Myers
Year 2
In writing, Year 2 have been creating Christmas stories! The students used their knowledge and imagination to correctly structure their writing using an orientation, a complication and a resolution. The students used classic characters such as Santa and Elves, but added a twist by having Australian animals as characters. There have been some fabulous pieces of writing and the students have enjoyed sharing their stories with the class. Great work Year 2!
Miss Rasche
Year 3/4
Year 3/4 have started getting extremely excited for Christmas with lots of stories to tell about their elves and the cheeky tricks they have been playing. Students used this as an opportunity to create an imaginative piece of writing about what they would do if they were an elf for a day. We had some very mischievous, adventurous and thrill-seeking elves performing some very intriguing tricks in our texts. Fantastic work this week Year 3/4! Miss Maunder
Year 5
Following Remembrance day, Year 5 have been focusing on recreating artworks that reflect this theme. In the activity shown below the students cut out images of ANZAC soldiers from a photo. The negative side (the background) was used as a stencil to paint the shadowy figures. Once this had dried the students used oil pastels to colour and shade the background to their artwork- What fantastic work by Year 5 the past few weeks. Mr Beaumont
Year 6
In Mathematics, Year 6 has been investigating the volume of objects. Students constructed prisms using blocks to gain a deeper understanding of how volume is calculated. They compared a variety of prisms and discussed how they can look different, yet still have the same volume. Students also used the formula to find the volume of objects in cubic metres. Amazing work Year 6!
Miss Summerell