Mission and Religious Education
Jacquelene Cronin
Assistant Principal - Mission
Mission and Religious Education
Jacquelene Cronin
Assistant Principal - Mission
Mission and Religious Education
School Masses
Friday 13 December 9.30am. Whole School End of Year Mass.
Tuesday 17 December 5.30pm Year 6 Graduation Mass.
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hamper Presentation
This morning our School Captains Molly Gallagher & Farrer Burke presented Di Taylor from the St Vincent de Paul Society with baskets of food items that the school has been collecting or the food hampers that the St Vincent de Paul Society put together each year to assist people and families in need in our local community.
Thank you to everyone who donated food this Advent. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Second Sunday of Advent
Sunday 8 December was the Second Sunday of Advent. On the Second Sunday of Advent we light the second candle on the Advent Wreath, a purple candle which we call The Bethlehem Candle. When we light the Bethlehem Candle we remember Mary and Joseph’s Journey to Bethlehem.
Third Sunday of Advent
Sunday 15 December is the Third Sunday of Advent. On the Third Sunday of Advent we light the third candle on the Advent Wreath, a rose candle which we call The Shepherds’ Candle. When we light the Shepherds’ Candle we recall the important role the shepherds had. It is rose pink for joy, symbolic of the joy felt at the birth of Jesus.
Connecting With Our Parish
Weekend Mass Times
We encourage all of our families to celebrate Sunday Mass with our parish.
Manilla Parish Mass Times
1st Sunday of the month - Sunday 8.30am
2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday of the month - Saturday 5.30pm
Attunga Mass Times
2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday of the month - Sunday 12 noon
Christmas Mass Times
Christmas Mass will be celebrated on Christmas Eve this year, Tuesday 24 December. Manilla 5.30pm and Barraba 8pm. Christmas Day Mass Wednesday 25 December Attunga 9am. Everyone is welcome.
Decorating Our Church
Members of our C2S Committee have been very busy this Advent helping Father Curran to set up the Advent Wreath, Nativity and Christmas Tree in the Church. Great work everyone. Our Church looks very festive, as together we wait in hope and prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus this Christmas.
The Immaculate Conception of Mary
As 8 December was a Sunday this year, the celebration of the Immaculate Conception of Mary falls on Monday 9 December this year. On this day we celebrate that from the moment she was conceived Mary was without original sin.
Opening of the Cathedral
Thursday 12 December is the 105th anniversary of the dedication of the St Mary and Joseph Cathedral in Armidale. Mass will be celebrated at 11.00am to mark this anniversary and also the ‘Soft Opening’ of the cathedral, following the completion of the extensive repairs to the Cathedral that were needed as a result of a destructive hailstorm. Representatives from St Michael’s School will be attending this celebration. Please note the official re-opening of the cathedral will be on Sunday 29 December with Mass at 10am. Everyone is welcome.
Living Well, Learning Well - Pastoral Care and Wellbeing
Legends of the Light Shine
Our new Legends of the Light Shine focus for Weeks 9 and 10 of Term 4 is “Joy”. As we draw closer to this Christmas Season may we remember to take the time to share the ‘joy’ of celebrating the birth of Jesus.
Assistant Principal - Mission