Senior School News

As the end of Unit 2 comes to a close, and Year 11 exams approach we would like to congratulate the Year 11 students on their achievements. Year 11 students are reminded that their exam period commences on Wednesday 20 November and concludes on Thursday 28 November.
Students are expected to wear full school uniform and arrive promptly to their allocated areas. If they are unwell on the day of the exam, students will need to provide a medical certificate to their student manager, Sam Sleep.
The Year 12 exams have less than a week to go! Thank you to the Year 12 teachers who have been supporting the students with their final preparations. I am sure the students are looking forward to a well deserved break.
Year 11 students will soon be moving into their Year 12 Locker. In preparation for this move, we have asked Year 11 students to clean their lockers out and only have essential equipment in there that they will need for their exams.
Headstart commences on Monday 2 December until Friday 19 December. Students will have the opportunity to meet their new teachers, get to know each other, be clear on school expectations and also develop their class agreements. Attendance will be monitored and will contribute to the semester one assessment period. Students are not required to have all of the required textbooks during this time. Teachers will provide any resources that students need.
The 2025 MGSC Booklists are now available. Please see the Compass Newsfeed for more information.
Emma Holman
Director of Senior School