College Matters

2025 Student leaders
Congratulations to the students that have already been appointed to leadership roles for 2025.
College Captains
Harper Shepherd and Matilda Waugh
SRC Presidents
Sanara Ruberu and Alexandra Snodgrass
Middle School Captains (Year 10)
Amelie Bleksley and Ruby Sumpter
Middle School Vice Captains (Year 9)
Ella Keele and Phoebe Sanders
Junior School Captains (Year 8)
Olivia McAuliffe and Anushka Pradhan
More leadership roles at every year level will be announced in coming weeks.
Year End Exams
Exams schedules have been distributed to students. There is provision for reschedule exams as required. Exam locations will be on Compass.
Year 11 students are in Unit 2 classes up until (and including) Tuesday 19 November.
Unit 2 exams begin on Wednesday 20 November and conclude on Wednesday 27 November.
Year 9 and 10 students are in classes up until (and including) Friday 22 November.
Year 9 and 10 exams begin on Monday 25 November and conclude on Thursday 28 November
Students are expected to attend their examinations in full school uniform and arrive at school at least 10 minutes before the scheduled start of the exam. Each exam has 10 minutes of reading time in addition to the writing time allocated below.
Hayley Dureau
Assistant Principal, Student Learning Growth