Library News

Opening hours are 8am – 5pm, Monday through to Friday during regular school days.

End of  year exams 

During the exam period, students are encouraged to attend school for exams only due to limited space in the library.


Year 11 exams - Wednesday 20 November -  Wednesday 27 November  

Year 9 & 10 exams – Monday 25 November – Thursday 28 November

Halloween Origami Workshop

The lunchtime Origami workshop was a resounding success.  While some students experimented with more complex folds, there were a few participants new to origami who created simple Masu boxes and were delighted with the outcome their final product.  A big thank you to Bec for running the Origami Spider tutorial, which ran for the duration of one lunchtime and for inspiring all of us with her wonderful designs.

Book Club

This term students discussed Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde and two contemporary books with their own series None shall sleep by Ellie Marney and The first to die at the end by Adam Silvera.  Lively discussion ensued about Picture of Dorian Grey including themes of aestheticism and morality and about how the book contained offensive ideas that were from another time.  


The other two contemporary books come highly recommended by all book clubbers as enjoyable holiday reading.


The Library team 

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