
Dealing with Change in our Lives
While we like to resist this notion, change is embedded in the human condition. In fact, we spend all our lives finding ways to live with it. This is normal.
At this time of the year, our students and families are negotiating some more significant changes in their school lives:
- Changing year levels
- Studying new subjects and getting used to different learning/teaching styles
- Changing classroom environments
- Meeting new teachers
- Engaging with new friends
- Moving schools
These changes are occurring in addition to a possible range of everyday occurrences outside school:
- Moving house
- Ending/beginning a relationship
- Dealing with a change in family dynamics
- Losing or acquiring a new pet
We can have various reactions to change. We might resist it, accept it, ignore it. We might become angry, feel out of control or overwhelmed, become excited, fall into a low mood or become afraid. We all deal with change in our own, unique way. Humans are good at trying to avoid discomfort, but this is not always a useful way to act.
Here are some ideas that might help.
- Identify what you can actually control. One thing we can all control is our ATTITUDE to the change.
- What are the POSITIVES in the change? There are always some. What are your STRENGTHS?
- Try to ACCEPT that the change is inevitable and then find ways to learn from it. This can REFRAME your thinking about the change. CREATE a new you.
- Ask yourself: Is this the worst that can happen? We can’t predict or control the future. Let it happen in its own time.
- Find your way to mange your stress. For example, focus on the present moment and be MINDFUL. Develop your own relaxation strategies like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation or doing something creative or physical.
- If the impact of the change is affecting your daily living, it might be beneficial to ask for help from someone experienced in this area. Even having a conversation about how you FEEL with a trusted other can help you take more control over your reactions.
In the final analysis, if you’re reading this, you are already on the way to finding your own path through the forest of trees that change can take you through. Reach out. Tell someone. Trust yourself. Don’t overthink it. Keep walking.
Wellbeing Team