From our Principal

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,
Such is the cycle of the educational landscape, on the very day that year twelves completed their final exam, our year seven students of 2025 arrived on-site for their Orientation Day. It was a wonderful day full of excitement with just a tinge of anxiety as our class of 2030 made their first tentative steps at the beginning of their secondary schooling journey. As staff and leaders, we can take for granted the significance of a moment such as this. For parents it is the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. For parents where their child is the first to enter into the secondary school context it can be stepping into the unknown. For others they might be farewelling their youngest child from the primary setting they have called their second home. In respect to our new year seven’s, new peers, new buildings and facilities, new classroom designs, larger school, new teachers, bigger, taller (and therefore scarier students). All of these factors and the surrounding emotions presented themselves to our new year sevens and yet they seemed from the beginning through to the end of the day a group of young people ready to meet all of this newness and the challenges surrounding this with positivity and excitement. We look forward to welcoming them all next year, on day one, when they begin a special journey with us.
Installation of 2025 House Captains
At our final school assembly of the year, we were able to officially welcome, recognise and install our 2025 house captains. Leadership in our college is not about titles or positions. It is about service, responsibility, and inspiring others to bring out the best in themselves. Our new house captains are expected to carry the torch of student voice and leadership. They are called upon to not just represent their peers but to be models of what it means to live out our College values. Their role is to lead with fairness, act with compassion, and inspire others to walk humbly.
Student leadership therefore is vital to who we are as a community. It reminds us that every voice matters and that together, we are stronger. As house captains, they have the opportunity to foster connection, champion initiatives, and help our school community thrive. I take this opportunity to congratulate our 2025 house captains and wish them well.
Headstart – a new beginning
Students were asked during this same assembly to reflect about the year that has passed. With Headstart 2025 commencing this week it is an opportunity to examine where there has been growth as a learner and where there has been challenge. I’m sure there has been moments of triumph for students and times where resilience was required to move forward in their learning or to cope with disappointment. It is in these particular moments when our young people push through the difficulties to succeed that the greatest moments of learning are created.
So now that exams are over and all formative assessment has concluded it is time to commence the Headstart program with renewed energy and excitement for the next instalment in their learning journey.
Year 12 2025 Retreat
Part of the Headstart program for the year twelve class of 2025 is to attend a retreat. It signals the beginning of their final year of secondary schooling. Many opportunities present themselves to our class of 2025 on retreat. It is an opportunity to bond, an opportunity to set goals, an opportunity to make commitments but most importantly it is an opportunity to reflect on the role faith has played in the past, currently plays and might play in the lives beyond our student’s secondary schooling. We wish both our staff and students every blessing as they engage with the retreat process over the coming days.
Advent – Come Emmanuel
This Sunday we begin the new liturgical year, a time where we transition from cycle B to cycle C and where we will focus on the Gospel of Luke as we begin the journey of Advent. The first Sunday of Advent is where we witness for the first time the Advent Wreath and the lighting of the first candle, the candle of hope. The first candle takes us back to Isiah’s foretelling of the birth of Christ. May all in our community be a source of hope to those we meet along the Advent journey and beyond.
Pope Francis says it best:
“May we be in this world a ray of light which shone forth from Bethlehem, bringing joy
and peace to the hearts of all men and women.”
- Pope Francis
Advent Prayer
Lord Jesus, Master of both the light and the darkness,
send your Holy Spirit upon our preparations for Christmas.
We who have so much to do seek quiet spaces to hear your voice each day.
We who are anxious over many things look forward to your coming among us.
We who are blessed in so many ways long for the complete joy of your kingdom.
We whose hearts are heavy seek the joy of your presence.
We are your people,
walking in darkness,
yet seeking the light.
To you we say, “Come Lord Jesus!”
Enjoy the week ahead and be safe.
Enjoy the week ahead and stay safe.
Mr Chris Black