Uncoming Event and Important Information

Thursday 12th December
Year 9 Graduation
- The ceremony will be held in the school gym.
- Dress code for the event is semi-formal.
- The event runs from 5.30pm-7.30pm.
- Students and families are welcome to enter from 5.15pm so that we can make a prompt start
- Parents are invited for the first hour of the ceremony (5.30-6.30pm), where awards will be presented.
- The second hour of the ceremony will be students-only festivities (supervised by staff).
- At 7.25pm, families are invited back to the gym to collect their child and depart.
Monday 16th December
- Year 6 Celebration Assembly9:15am - 10:40am, in the School Gym
- Following our Celebration Assembly, families are invited to head back with the students to the classrooms where we will have some morning tea together. Food and drink for this will be provided.
Tuesday 17th December
Year 9 Celebration Excursion to the Cinemas- Consent and Payment due 6th December
- Year 9 students should arrive at Tarneit Station by 9am with a charged Myki ready to catch the train.
- Staff will be at Tarneit Station from 8.30am in high visibility clothing, ready to meet any students that arrive early. The event roll will then be marked on the train platform, with students marked 'Not Present' unable to attend.
- The group will then catch the train to southern cross, before changing over to a second train to Melbourne Central.
- We will then go to Melbourne Central Food Court for an early lunch and some recreation time before the movie.
- We will then head to Melbourne Central Hoyts Cinemas for the 11:00am movie session.
- After the movie, we will catch the train back to Tarneit, and students will be dismissed from Tarneit Station at 3.00pm and will need to make their own way home.
Friday 20th December
- End of Year Reports
Reports will be available on Friday 20th December.
- Last day Term 4. Early dissmisal 12.30pm
Thursday 30th January
- Year 1- 9 students begin Thursday 30th January 8.40am sharp
Wednesday 5th Feb
- 2025 Prep students begin Wednesday 5th February