From the Principal

Monday this week was a pupil free day for MSC. In the morning staff began to explore the ‘cognitive load’ theory and the Victorian Teaching and Learning Model 2.0 (VTLM).
The VTLM identifies the elements of learning and the elements of teaching, including explicit teaching.
Cognitive load theory sits with the elements of learning and sheds light on the student learning process and how effective teaching practices maximise student progress and outcomes. The theory recognises there are 2 types of memory that process information during learning: working memory and long-term memory.
‘Working memory is the mental workspace that students use to actively engage with the facts, concepts and procedures they encounter, while long-term memory stores this knowledge for future use. As students learn, they identify relationships and connect knowledge in long-term memory to develop increasingly complex mental models. Students processing new information will learn most effectively when taught by someone with expert knowledge.’
Professional learning will continue as we roll out the vision for the Education State.
Ben Carroll Deputy Premier of Victoria Minister for Education.
Exams continue to go well and will begin next week for all students in Year 7 -11. We wish all students well.
Work continues on the 2025 timetable. Staff will receive their allotments for the 2025 school year within the next week. A professional practice day has been scheduled 22nd November to allow staff to organise classes to begin at Fast Forward. This will be a pupil free day.
Thankyou for your ongoing support and we continue to strive to be our very best so all students at MSC can succeed.
Linda Stanton
Important Dates
Term 4
Friday 8th November - Year 8 (all students) excursion to Martha Cove
Monday 11th November - Remembrance Day commemorations - 10.45am
Tuesday 12th November - Year 11 SWOTVAC - No classes for Year 11 students
Wednesday 13th to 21st November - Year 7 to 11 exams
Thursday 14th November - Final presentations for Year 11 VM students
Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th November - Final assessment presentations for Year 11 VM students
Tuesday 19th November - Year 7 celebration of first year of secondary school - Portfolio showcase afternoon
Thursday 21st November - Year 9 Graduation and social - Frankston Arts Centre
Thursday 21st November - Year 10 and 11 exam catch up day
Thursday 21st November - Year 8 End of Year celebration
Friday 22nd November - Professional Practice Day for all teachers - Student free
Monday 25th November - Fast Forward commences - students transition into their 2025 year level and classes
Thursday 28th November - Year 10 Formal - Frankston Arts Centre
Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th December - Japanese visitors from Nara
Friday 6th December - Students in Year 11 and 12 2025 final day
Tuesday 10th December - Grade 6 Orientation Day for students joining MSC in 2025
Monday 16th December - Presentation Evening - New Peninsula Baptist Church - 6.30pm
Tuesday 17th to Thursday 19th December - 3 day activity program
Friday 20th December - Last day of Term 4
Don't forget to look on compass for sport sign ups, excursions and any other information sent to students and parents.
Below is a link to help guide you in your use of compass.
Middle School
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are thrilled to share some of the exciting experiences that our students are participating in this term. Today, I’m accompanying 45 of our Year 8 and 9 students on an excursion to the Space Centre in Strathmore. It’s set to be an inspiring and educational day, filled with hands-on experiences that bring our science curriculum to life.
Reflecting on school life, it’s often these memorable experiences—whether camps, excursions, or special events—that stay with students for years to come. Later this term, we’ll be celebrating our Year 7 students’ learning through their “Portfolio of Best Work” showcase. Parents and friends are warmly invited to attend and see the wonderful projects our students have created.
This Friday, our Year 8 students will be visiting Martha Cove for a Humanities-based excursion. Organized by Ms. Rattue, this outing promises to be a fun and engaging learning experience, with a mix of academic and enjoyable activities.
On the 21st of November, we are holding our inaugural Year 9 Social/Formal. The students are very excited about having a special event at the Frankston Arts Centre.
At Year 9 the students will be doing PAT testing in Literacy and Numeracy. Year 9 students will also be sitting a maths exam.
I look forward to sharing more updates with you as the term progresses.
Denise Leggett
Middle School Assistant Principal
Senior School
To students and families of the Mornington Senior School,
Time is flying. By this time next week, the whole of the 2024 senior school cohorts will be involved in exams and/or presentations. Then before we know it, it will be time to get a head start on our 2025 timetabled classes. One of my portfolios involves overseeing the timetabling process and I can assure you that the 25th November is coming up very quickly for our timetabling team and the new software package we are training in! Hopefully by the time of publishing, we have been able to finalise the subject allocations for Years 9-12 (still some last minute work to do in 9 and 10 as a I write this).
In the spirit of international events, I wanted to ask What Makes Students Great (Again)?
In a 10-12 teacher meeting recently, I asked our VCE teaching staff about the learning behaviours and habits of successful students. Those students who score 37+ study scores in Year 12 (about 15% of students in any subject score a 37+ across Victoria) can be considered the top echelon of students and they share similar learning traits. The most common behaviours were:
- Arriving on time and with their learning materials
- Engaging actively in classroom discussions
- Ask questions for clarity, quite regularly
- Seek feedback and then act on it
- Pre-read or pre-watch Edrolo videos (gain some understanding before learning new content)
- Complete exam/SAC questions and seek feedback after self-marking against a solution guide
- Complete practice SACs at least a week before the SAC.
- Limit their part-time or casual work commitments (No more than 2 shifts a week).
The Year 10 & 11 Exam information
Our Year 10 and 11 students will be completing exams from the 13th November (until the 21st November). The semester 2 exam navigator is available to students and parents on Compass. Year 10 and 11 students are only required on site during this period when they have a scheduled exam or presentation (VCE VM students) unless required by their year level (only students who are significantly at risk in subjects will be required to attend support sessions).
Students will be required to attend wearing full and correct school uniform for all exams and are encouraged to bring photo identification (i.e. their MSC student card) for all exams. Students who have either a clash of exams (2 exams at the same time) or 3 exams in one day, should see their year level team to make arrangements.
Students moving into a VM program in 2025 are still required to complete their exams. Good luck to our students in these exams/presentations as they are a vital part of preparation for their Year 12 program.
What is coming up this term?
Tues 12th Nov – Year 11 SWOTVAC Day (to prepare for exams)
Wed 13th Nov – Thurs 21st Nov – Year 10 & 11 Exam period (assessed on 2024 content)
Fri 22nd Nov – Exam correction day and planning day for Fast Forward program
Mon 25th Nov – Fri 6th Dec - 2025 Fast Forward program (Students in Year 11 and 12 2025 final day)
Friday 29th Nov – Year 10 Formal
Thurs 12th Dec – VCE ATAR results released to students
Mon 16th Dec – 2024 MSC Awards evening
Nick Evans
Senior School Assistant Principal
Lest we Forget...........
This Monday we are observing remembrance day commencing at 10:45. Commemorating Remembrance Day is important in our school as it teaches students about the sacrifices made during conflicts, helping them understand the impact of war on society and the importance of peace. This day serves as a powerful reminder of the values of mateship, courage, resilience, and selflessness, fostering a sense of gratitude and respect for those who served. By observing Remembrance Day, schools promote a shared understanding of history and the need for global unity, instilling empathy and a commitment in young people to building a peaceful future.
Can I take this opportunity to invite parents to attend the ceremony. (10:45 – 11:15am Monday 11th of November)
Mike Parker
Assistant Principal
Middle School Student of the Week
Connor Mckenzie
Year 7
Favourite food: Tacos.
Hobbies out of school: I play guitar and swim.
What sports team do you follow: Scotland and England Rugby team.
Favourite TV show: Brooklyn 99.
Do you have any pets: A border collie cross poodle named Skye.
What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College?
All the opportunities we get and all the nice people.
What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? I don’t know yet.
Noah Wilson
Year 8
Favourite food: Spaghetti bolognaise.
Hobbies out of school: Skateboarding, going to the beach, and going shopping.
What sports team do you follow: Western Bulldogs FC.
Favourite TV show: Stranger Things.
Do you have any pets: A golden retriever named Marley.
What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College?
The different subjects we get to do here.
What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? An architect.
Layla Fleming
Year 9
Favourite food: Pasta.
Hobbies out of school: Painting and reading.
What sports team do you follow: Richmond FC.
Favourite TV show: Gilmore Girls.
Do you have any pets: A dog named Billy and 5 birds.
What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College?
Getting to see my friends every day and the teachers.
What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? I have no idea yet.
Exploring the Great Ocean Walk: A 3-Day Educational Adventure in the Otway Ranges
Introduction: From October 29th to 31st, a group of Year 10 students from Mr Walker and Mr Olarenshaw’s Year 10 Outdoor Ed classes set off on an unforgettable three-day hiking expedition through the first sections of the Great Ocean Walk in the Otway Ranges. Beyond breathtaking coastal views and lush rainforests, the journey was an immersive learning experience, where students applied classroom knowledge in real-world situations, honed their outdoor skills, and built strong team bonds in the process.
Day 1: Into the Rainforest at Elliot Ridge The adventure began with the group embarking on an 11km trek through the dense, misty rainforest of the Otways. The first campsite was set at Elliot Ridge, a serene spot nestled high in the forest canopy. The cool temperate rainforest environment offered a rich learning opportunity, with students studying the unique plant and animal life around them. The physical demands of the hike became immediately clear, but the students displayed great determination and teamwork, helping one another with packs and navigating the trail’s challenging sections. Along the way, the group was excited to spot wild koalas lounging in the trees, wallabies darting about in the underbrush, and even a shy echidna curled up just off the path. By the time they arrived at the campsite, they had earned a restful evening surrounded by towering trees, listening to the sounds of the forest as the sun set.
Day 2: Coastal Beauty at Blanket Bay After a night under the canopy, day two’s journey led the group from the cool rainforest to the stunning coastal landscapes of the Great Ocean Walk. The students hiked another 11km, making their way towards Blanket Bay, which sat perched on a grassy plateau just metres from the beach. The contrast between the towering trees of the rainforest and the wide-open views of the ocean was striking, providing the perfect setting for both exploration and relaxation.
At camp, students were eager to explore the rocky shores and investigate the vibrant rock pools teeming with marine life. Sea stars, crabs, and colorful sea anemones made for a lively afternoon of discovery. The campsite itself, with its proximity to the ocean, offered a peaceful retreat, where students enjoyed a well-earned break and some light-hearted moments. The stunning backdrop of waves crashing against the shore made for an unforgettable evening, with laughter echoing across the campsite as students cooked dinner together and played camp games.
Day 3: The Cape Otway Lighthouse, and a Rewarding End On the final day of the hike, the group set out for the last stretch of their 33km journey. After descending to a beautiful beach where we paused for some essential team photos, we then encountered challenge hill which was an epic step by step stone staircase which seemed to reach for the stars! The team displayed true grit and team work to navigate to the top. The most anticipated sight of the day came when the students reached the Cape Otway Lighthouse, a historic beacon marking the end of their hike. The lighthouse stood proudly against the backdrop of the ocean, signaling that their adventure was nearly complete. There was a collective sigh of relief and a shared sense of accomplishment as the group paused to admire the view.
The final leg of the trip culminated in a well-deserved lunch stop at Apollo Bay. After three days of hard work, the students were treated to the sights and smells of pizza, burgers, and fresh bakery goods. Big smiles and laughter filled the air as everyone refuelled and celebrated the completion of their adventure. It was the perfect way to wrap up an extraordinary experience.
Acknowledgements: A big thank you to Emily and Mr. Olarenshaw for their incredible assistance in running the camp. Their leadership, guidance, and support were invaluable throughout the trip, helping the students navigate the challenges of the hike and ensuring the entire group had a positive and enriching experience.
Conclusion: The three-day hike through the Otway Ranges wasn’t just about conquering the Great Ocean Walk — it was an opportunity to apply outdoor skills, embrace teamwork, and immerse in the beauty of the natural world. From spotting koalas, wallabies, and echidnas along the trail to exploring rock pools and enjoying the sense of achievement at the Cape Otway Lighthouse, every moment of the journey added to the experience. Whether navigating through rainforests, hiking along the rugged coastline, or relaxing with classmates at the end of the trail, the students gained more than just a sense of physical accomplishment. They left the Otway Ranges with memories, friendships, and life skills that will stay with them for years to come.
Mr John Walker
Join the Aerobics Squad
Signups for the 2025 Aerobics program are now open! In the Aerobics Squad, we develop our fitness and flexibility through fun routines. We welcome all abilities and experience levels in Mornington Secondary College's inclusive Aerobics program.
We are looking to build our squad for next year, so if you're currently in Year 7-11 and are interested in joining or returning to the squad in 2025, please fill out the online form,
On Monday the 25th of November, we will be hosting a 'Come And Try' training session in the Herbie Gym from 3:30-4:30pm. We encourage all returning members as well as new squad members interested in joining in 2025 to come along for a fun training session, and an introduction to School Aerobics. If you are unable to make this session, please still sign up through the link so we know that you are interested.
Hope to see you soon!
Indie Jowett
2025 Student Subjects and Contributions
2025 Student Subjects and Contributions for Years 7, 8, 11 and 12 are now available on Compass, through Parent Compass access. Please go into the payment centre to view this information. Year 9 and 10 subjects are still being finalised and we hope to have them onto Compass by the 15th November at the latest. The 2025 Parent Contribution Booklet and the 2025 Booklists can be found on the School website.
Remembrance Day - 11 November
Our Drum Corp and Flag Bearers preparing for Remembrance Day on Monday at the College.
Thank you to Mr Papettas and Ms Nottle for your hard work in preparing them for this special event. Although these conflicts were a long time ago, our students have a strong connection through family members who where involved in some way. They too want to acknowledge their sacrifice.
Olivia Keily 7D
Remembrance Day is where all people of the community come together to mourn the losses from the war. A time where family and friends take a moment to pay their respects to the people who sadly lost their lives and to the ones who survived the trenches. I march for all these people.
Emma Bassett 7A
I march on Remembrance Day to honour and remember those who have served and sacrificed to protect our way of life.
Chelsie Surridge 7A
I am marching in remembrance of my Great Grandfather William Stratton. He was my Dad’s Grandfather.
William Stratton fought in World War 1 and World War 2. When he came back from War he worked as a policeman until 1970 when he died. I remember and thank him for his sacrifice.
Year 9 and 10 Formals
Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Trybooking. Don't miss out!
Year 9 Formal:
Year 10 Formal:
End of Year Activities
Three days full of fun and laughter from Tuesday 17th December to Thursday 19th December.
Both all day activities & half day activities are available and can be viewed and booked by clicking
Online bookings open at 8pm Thursday 17th October and close on Sunday 24th November.
Activities available are: Tree Surfing, Go Karting, Gravity Zone, Indoor Climbing, Surfing, Dungeons & Dragons, Minor Sporting Games, Computer Gaming, Board Games, Movies, Christmas Craft, Swimming Pool Games, Making Chocolate Balls, Dance, Basketball, Paper Plane competition. Any questions, please visit Ms Kirkos.
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