Kharisma Kids OSHC

Thanks to all those families and staff who came to say hi and support us in the Twilight Market, We were selling handmade earrings, keyrings and necklaces/bracelets to fundraise towards our next Vacation Care excursion.
It was great to see such a wonderful turnout and catchup with many children and families who have since left the school.
We will be planning the Vacation Care next week, so the planner will be out very soon,
We will be open Tuesday, 17th December, with an early finish from 1:00 PM.
Vacation Care will start on Wednesday, 18th December through to Friday, 20th December.
After the Christmas/New Years break, we’ll start up again from Monday, 13th January until school returns.
Rob, Lucas, Marlene, Sarah
0411 295 273
The Kharisma Kids Team