Student of the Week

Student of the Week are presented weekly.  These awards recognise students' effort and success in the classroom. Well done to the following students!                                                              

Student of the Week Recipients 


Week 4 & 5

Visual ArtsYifan (4S)Physical EducationZayn (4H)
Performing ArtsJacqueline (5K)LanguagesSelena S (1H)
STEMYoyo (3B)  
FG: Ella FS:  Joey  
Year 1   
1A: Dev

1H: (Week 4) Patrick

(Week 5) Ava 

1MU:  Aozhi 
Year 2   
2A: Dhyaan2E:  Kai2L: Olivia2Y: Hassan
Year 3   
3B:  Charlie B3K:  Chloe & Ezra3N: Arrietty & Kirin 
Year 4   
4A:  Josephine4H:  Chris4S:  Rachel4SR: Ian
Year 5   
5A:  Jemma 5B: Jonas5D: Yucheng 5K:  Parth
Year 6   
6E: Holly6R: Liam6L: Dion6KM: Magnum