Connections Centre
Specialist Feature News: Performing Arts
Selamat Siang,
As the final weeks of 2024 in Performing Arts comes to a close, we are going to take a look back at where we've been this year and the experiences which have been highlights for students' from Foundation to Year 6.
Foundation Students' Remember... Using percussion instruments, The Old Lady who lived in a Shoe (Dramatisation and story telling), dancing and lots of singing. The Hello Song and experimenting with lots of different styles of Music.
Year 1/2 Students' Recall... Singing songs in groups like "The Olympic Song" and "The Sweater Song"... Being musical statues and instrument experiments, Just Dance, the Gingerbread dance, "Rio" whole class choreographed dance and Boomwhackers.
3/4 Students' Highlights ... A night at the Museum drama skit whole class play, playing Xylophone and Glockenspiel, Singing groups "Reach" and "A million dreams", games ... dancing, everything with Mrs Palmer.
5/6 Students' Best Moments... Group dance choreography work eg. Cloudy Day, Community Connections with the performing arts investigation, song writing, Xylophone and Glockenspiel playing, whole group singing, "Baby" Justin Bieber, Olympic Athlete Monologue script writing and performance, and lots of dance driven performing.
It has been a very productive year for learning new musical skills and language, experimenting with new creative ideas and continuing to develop student confidence in performing using the creative arts of music, dance and drama. I have enjoyed getting to know so many students on an individual basis and will cherish the memories of laughter, fun, joy, collaboration, unity and mutual understanding and respect.
As I move on from MPRPS at the end of the year I leave with you the words of the great Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music....
E G E - G
So long, farewell,
E C - D - E F - G - A
Auf wiedersehen, good night
Terima Kasih,
The Specialist Team
Natalie Palmer, Yana Gill, Marissa Mundy, Hamish Burrill, Beth Cardy and Steph Muratovic
Pupil of the Week
Physical Education
Junior - Kaia D (1/2M)
For demonstrating a love of learning and respect at all times during PE this year.
Senior - Aashvi S (5/6C)
For demonstrating curiosity, kindness and teamwork throughout all PE sessions in 2024.
Visual Arts
Junior - Niam B (FC)
For your efforts, love of learning and creativity when creating pattern and line artwork.
Senior - Jessica C (5/6FL)
For demonstrating zest, a love of learning and creativity as we start our posca portrait unit!
Junior - Grace M (1/2KS)
For following a method to create a dinosaur fossil and designing your own dinosaur word search to go alongside it.
Senior - Charlie W (5/6E)
For your comprehensive report on Tardigrades. You researched and explained this fascinating extremophile in a way that was both interesting and easy to understand.
Junior - Elisa T (1/2M)
For demonstrating enthusiasm and zest in all your Indonesian lessons! Bagus sekali on showing what you have learnt about the island of Java!
Senior - Sofia L (5/6S)
For creating a stunning skyline of Indonesia! You have showed excellent research skills alongside kreativitas to create this! Hebat!
Performing Arts
Junior - Max D (1/2KS)
For demonstrating a unique and reflective picture of "What music means to me." Your drawing of a pianist at a piano, detailed and exemplified your knowledge of music theory and love for the piano.
Senior - William V (5/6N)
For demonstrating an excellent performance during your own choreographed group dance. You showed a love of learning and enthusiasm to work towards a shared goal.