What's Happening In Primary

News and Information from Primary

The Hive

On Friday the two Prep classes went to The Hive and the Dinosaur Park in Ulverstone on an excursion. We saw a movie in the Planetarium, built and raced a car in the Science Centre, explored the Science Centre and created an artwork based on the Albatross Exhibition.


Our Prep students had a wonderful time!


Evie: I loved doing the collage about the beach like in the book they read to us.

Alice: I liked watching the movie in the Planetarium and going on the bus.

Chloe: I loved seeing Jasmine from the other class and I loved everything.

Eli R: I loved the movie and building a car.

Edith: I loved building the car.

Isabelle: I loved racing the cars down the track.

Eli N: I liked watching the movie in the Planetarium.

David: I liked watching the movie with the hamster and the robot in the Planetarium. I loved the Dinosaur Park and I liked playing I Spy on the bus with Eli.

Adeline: I liked my daddy coming.

Cohen: I loved everything about the excursion.

Chilli: I liked how fast the cars went down the track.

Huon: watching the space movie was the best part.

Jasmine: I liked painting fish in the art room.

Austin: the show about a Hamster in space was my favourite.

Charlie: I remember when we read a story about birds living on an island.

Eli: I loved racing the cars we made.

Elky: we made our own racing cars.

Abel: we played a space game.

Elka: I built my own car.

Alexander: I saw a turtle on display.

Harrison: I liked the movie about a robot and a hamster in space.

Sofia: when the hamster fell from the sky in the movie, I was worried but it was okay.

Armaan: I liked the boat made out of Lego the best.

Charlotte: I liked creating an under the ocean picture.

Amelia: racing the cars down the track was so much fun!

Indiana-Rose: I like making the sun come up by turning the wheel.


On Friday, hundreds of people from around the state gathered at The Bluff for the 2024 Primary Schools Triathlon Challenge. DCS was well represented with over 40 eager participants this year, either as individual entrants or school groups. It was an incredible day for all involved.


Hezekiah: I entered the whole thing as an individual. I got to swim, run and ride. The bike leg was my favourite because I find it relaxing. It was a nice still day and the sun was out.

Hudson P: The triathlon was great. I did the bike leg as part of a team and I got to take my own bike. We were one team member down so Ben K had to do the swim and the run with me. I love the riding.

Aleks and Isla: My favourite part was the bike leg, going up and down hills. I was nervous but we enjoyed the atmosphere and that we could do it with our friends.

Banjo and Jonah: There were so many people there. There were around 300 entrants in our race. The lines for the toilets were about 100 people long! There were also food vans there too. It was a very hot day. Simeon did our swim leg and we did the run and swim. This was the second year that we have competed in the triathlon.

Year 6 Graduation Dinner

Last Wednesday our Year 6 students were blessed with a graduation dinner as an initiative of our Year 8 students. A huge thank you to these students, in particular Scarlett French.


So much thought and fun was planned into the evening. They danced, played games, had fun in the photo booth and enjoyed each other's company over a delicious meal from a local caterer.

2024 Celebration Service

Devonport Christian School is excited to gather as a community for our 2024 Kinder to Year 8 Celebration Service.


Our Celebration Service will be held at the paranaple centre, 6:30pm Wednesday 4th December.  Market Square is available for families to bring a picnic and socialise from 5:00pm onwards. Doors to the paranaple centre will open at 6:10pm and students will need to be seated by 6:20pm.


Our Celebration Service is a wonderful evening where we have the opportunity to reflect on the past year, praise and worship God for His amazing goodness to our school and celebrate our students and staff. Students from Kinder, Prep, Year 3/4, Year 6 and selected Secondary students will perform on stage on the night, with other classes being featured in some amazing video presentations.


Tickets are available through our online booking system. 


To secure your tickets, please indicate on the online order form how many tickets you would like for your immediate family. This form will be the only way tickets can be secured. There is no cost for tickets, but as there is limited seating, a ticket will be required for entry to the paranaple centre. Families are able to reserve up to four tickets for the evening. 


Please note - tickets are not required for current DCS staff and students. 


Follow this link to access the form: Celebration Service Tickets


Should there be additional tickets available, we will inform DCS families on Monday 2nd December.


Some important information:

  • Doors open at 6:10pm
  • Students to be seated in the paranaple centre or allocated room by 6.20pm
  • Students in Prep-Year 8 are to wear their formal school uniform
  • Kinder students wear their sports uniform

Please look out for a Schoolbox post next Monday with information on where your child needs to gather at the beginning of the evening.

Splash End of Year Celebration Day

On Thursday 5th December, Year 1 to 6 students will be walking to Splash Aquatic Centre for the 2024 Splash End of Year Celebration Day. 


This day is an opportunity for us to celebrate the year together, as well as participate in some fun water activities. There will be novelty races and some age-appropriate swimming races for students in Years 3-6 who wish to participate. The program for the day will be available on Schoolbox shortly. We will need parent volunteers for the day to assist with supervision and marshalling of events. If you are a registered DCS parent volunteer and are available, can you please contact the school office. 


Students are required to wear their PE uniforms but can wear a t-shirt representing their house colour (fully named please). It would be helpful if students wore their bathers to school under their PE clothes but they do need their underwear to change into at the end of the day. 


All students must have appropriate sun cover.


Students should pack (all fully labelled please):

• A towel

• Appropriate swimwear including a rash vest or swim t-shirt (shoulders must be covered)

• School hat

• Sunglasses (optional)

• Sunscreen (if unable to use school sunscreen)

• At least 2 bottles of water (no glass bottles please)

• Lunch + fruit

• A coat or jumper

• A bag for wet swimwear

• Hairbrush or comb


The pool canteen will be available for students to purchase snacks and lunch. Students will be responsible for their money and should pack it somewhere safely in their bag. Students will be able to attend the canteen with their class during an allocated time. A timetable for the canteen will be included with the programme. DCS Community is also providing students with a free sausage sizzle on the day.


Year 3-6 students will have the opportunity to access the waterslide in year groups during the afternoon free play session. A timetable for the waterslide will be included with the programme.


Students are encouraged to participate in all events but will not be forced to participate in events they do not feel able or comfortable to enter.


DCS have the outdoor pools/area and a male and female change room booked exclusively for the school. However, the toilets will be a shared space with members of the public. Classes or small groups (at least pairs) of students will be accompanied into the toilets/change rooms by a staff member.


As this is one of our annual community days parents are invited to join us for what is always a fun day!

Student permission must be completed for this event and have been emailed through Consent2Go.  


If you have any questions about the Splash Celebration Day, please contact me.



Tom Evans

Head of Primary

Primary Sports and Academic Awards Assembly

You are warmly invited to our 2024 Primary Sports and Academic Awards Assembly on Tuesday 10th December from 8.30am in the JILOA Centre.


We would love for all our sports coaches to join us at our assembly so we can say thank you for your help and willingness to coach our students in the games they all love!

Library News

Library borrowing has now finished for the year. I encourage students and families to please check bookshelves at home and return any remaining books to the school library.


At the end of each year, to assist with all books being returned, I offer to students in Years 1-6 that whichever class returns ALL their books they will all receive a chocolate!


Thank you!


Mrs G. 

Library Technician

Public Holiday

School will be closed on Friday 29th November for the Devonport Show public holiday.


Enjoy your long weekend!

Breakfast Club

Celebrating Students

Each week at our Friday assembly we love to celebrate our students. We would love to hear from you if your child has achieved something significant over the weekend during sporting events, dancing, baptisms, theatre, music achievements etc. 


Please email one of the following DCS Team Members with the details (we would love a photo too!):

Corina Barnard: reception@dcs.tas.edu.au

Ema-Lee De Haan: dehaane@dcs.tas.edu.au

Tom Evans: evanst@dcs.tas.edu.au  

Upcoming Events:

Fri 29th Nov Public Holiday
Mon 2nd Dec8.30amPrimary Assembly
 1.45pmYear 6 Graduation Assembly
Tue 3rd Dec8.30amYear 6 Celebration Morning
 3.15pmAfter School Cricket Program
Wed 4th Dec6.30pmCelebration Service
Thur 5th Dec9.30amPrimary Splash Celebration Day
  Prep Water Play Day
Fri 6th Dec8.30amPrimary Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer: The Upper Room
Tue 10th Dec Last Day of School
 8.30amPrimary Sports and Academic Awards Assembly
 3.15pmAfter School Cricket Program

Term Dates: 2024

Term 4:

Tuesday 15th October - Tuesday 10th December


Term Dates: 2025

Term 1:

Wednesday 5th February - Friday 11th April


Term 2:

Wednesday 30th April - Friday 4th July


Term 3:

Thursday 24th July - Thursday 25th September


Term 4:

Tuesday 14th October - Tuesday 9th December