WORLD KINDNESS DAY - Wednesday 13th November

The Well Being leaders have decided to celebrate ‘World Kindness Day’ by wearing any shade of blue on this day. During the day everyone is going to practise all the kindness they can show to each other and other adults - a ‘thank you’ here, a ‘please’ there, ‘would you like me to help you’?, ‘can l help you’?, ‘are you alright?’, ‘do you need something?’, ‘would you like to play with me?’, ‘I’ll come with you’, ‘sorry’, ‘do you need a sharpener?’, ‘here use mine’, or ‘do you need me to hold your pencil case?’.


Of course, we should be doing this every day, but we are going to knock KINDNESS out of the park on Wednesday 13th November and continue to do so from that day forward.

There is no coin donation, just be kind!!!!

Mrs Kelly


On Monday 2nd December all students in the school will be watching a SEL incursion called ‘Sticks and Stones’.


Sticks and Stones is a fun and inclusive student wellbeing program for primary schools that reinforces positive relationships and supports vulnerable children to build confidence and social and emotional skills. 


When things go wrong at home, at school or online, Toby’s body goes into fight/flight. He feels angry, frightened and confused by messages from peers, family, video games and YouTube. Toby responds in the only way he knows how – with aggression and antisocial behaviour. 


When Toby meets Joe, he learns to be assertive and respect boundaries. He deals with negative online experiences by reporting and telling an adult and learns more positive ways to deal with anger: he stops, breathes, puts his hands in his pockets, walks away and talks about his feelings. Toby cooperates with other kids to create a circus routine with acrobatics and juggling. 


Sticks & Stones is designed to complement our school’s existing SEL program, engage students in discussions and facilitate further learning in the classroom. It encourages positive connections cooperation, impulse control and respect. 


To ensure your child is part of this incursion please give permission on compass and pay $5 on QKR by the 28th of November.


OUR SCREEN TIME AGREEMENT - Connecting our screen time to our values

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