'Together Everyone Achieves More'

Over the last few weeks staff have been reminding students about the school's expectations and the behaviours we should be showing when we come to school each day. We understand we are reaching the end of the term and we are all feeling a little tired, and some of us feeling a bit unwell. This is the time of the year when we need to work that little bit harder to keep achieving our personal best. 


Students have continued putting their best foot forward and are getting into the thick of concert practise. It's always an exciting time of the year for the kids to celebrate their hard work because that is exactly what they have done! The students have worked tremendously hard this year and have focused on doing their personal best. On Monday to celebrate their personal best and achievements as part of our School Wide Reward, students are off to Jump and Climb. This excursion is extra special as it was a major reward chosen by our students...PLUS they have worked together as a TEAM to reach this goal. Well done Cowwarr kids!


LRH - Special Thankyou Morning Tea

Achieving big things is something we aim for every day. I was so excited for the team after receiving an email last week from Lisa Twigger at Latrobe Regional Hospital, inviting myself to a special thank you morning tea. For people who are unaware, last year the Cowwarr Team raised a huge amount of money through our Gumboot-a-thon fundraiser to support LRH in their efforts to purchase a High Definition Imaging Machine for cancer treatment. This year they have been able to purchase this device and we have been invited to a 'Special Thankyou' morning tea for our efforts and contributions. On Tuesday 3rd December, Ruby and myself will be representing the TEAM at this morning tea. We will get an opportunity to see the device and hear about how important this new purchase is to the health and wellbeing of people receiving cancer support and treatments. What a wonderful opportunity.


Kris Kringle

Next week students will come home with their Kris Kringle letter. This year we are setting the limit to a maximum of $20. It's a time of the year our students enjoy giving and sharing small gifts and thoughts with each other. We are a considerate team and a team who cares about one another. 



It has been so much fun to have our 2025 foundation students working and learning with us over the last few weeks. We have 2 more sessions left, with our last being the State Wide Transition day. This is a special day as all of our students across the school will spend the day in their next year level, with their new (or old) classroom teacher. Some of our year 6 students have also been spending days this week at their new high schools. How exciting!


We are on the count down now! Keep going strong, keep doing your personal best, and keep being kind. 


Thank you Team!

Chanae Johns