Principal's Message 

Mr Tom Bagnall

It is hard to believe that Term 1 is already at an end! This term has been very short, but this gets made up in Term 2 with an 11-week term. This will be jam packed with events such as cross country, swimming lessons, winter carnival and many more! We will also be having our ANZAC Day ceremony on Wednesday 24 April at 9:30am. More information on this will follow next term, but please feel free to join us if you would like. 


Community Lunch 

Tomorrow, we have our community lunch to celebrate the end of our Harmony Week. We would love to see families there to join children for lunch if possible. For anyone attending, please enter via the gate along Addington Way; this will be opened just before 1pm when students are finishing up playtime. They will then return to their teacher and sit as a class around the oval; families are welcome to sit with the class to eat, but we do ask that to ensure our duty of care, you remain next to where the class has sat. If you would like to move around the oval and sit somewhere else, please see the classroom teacher, and you will be asked to ‘sign out’ your child so that we hand over to you. At the end of lunch, families that are here are also welcome to sign out their children and start the holidays early! If students have not been signed out, they will return to the classrooms at 1:25pm and resume their usual activities. Please note, we can only sign students out to family members listed on our student information system.  


Student Update Forms 

Thank you to those families that have returned the Student Update Froms that were sent out recently. This helps to ensure that we keep our records up to date and are able to contact the appropriate people in the event of anything happening at school. If you haven’t yet returned these, please can you do so ASAP. 


Upcoming Dates – Term 2 

Next term has lots of dates set aside already, and a few more to be added! Some to be aware of so far are: 

24 April – ANZAC Service 9:30am 

3 May – Magpies class assembly 

9 May – Emus class visiting Girrawheen SHS 

31 May – School Development Day  

3 June – WA Day public holiday 

4 June – 14 June – Swimming Lessons 


In closing, I’d like to thank everyone for such a great start to the year and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know both students and families in the community! I hope that everyone has a safe and relaxing break over the next two weeks and look forward to seeing everyone when we return on Monday 15 April! 


Mr Tom Bagnall
