Around the Primary Classrooms

Outside School Hours Care
This term, we welcomed back Sabrina from her European Holiday. She had a lot of exciting things and adventurous stories to share with OSHC children and parents. She brought a photo album in the space and everyone enjoyed looking into it and talking about it. We would like to thank Sabrina for sharing that with us.
This year, we had some new and some familiar faces in the OHSC. We welcome them all. For the past few weeks OHSC children have been showing empathy and kindness towards new Kindergarten and ELC students as well as other new children. To reflect kindness in the form of art we had a collaborative art work in the topic “Harmony” in one of the OHSC afternoon which sparked many conversations surrounding the meaning of the word "Harmony". Peace, connection, love and joy were beautiful messages reflected in the art space.
As Harmony Week is imminent, we are working on a Harmony Week project which depicts inclusiveness, togetherness, sharing and love. This project is ongoing so please come and see them displayed on the wall.
For the last month, two students have been hosted with aran sensei. Yuina and Kokona are students at Kyoto Sangyo University in Kyoto and have travelled to Hobart to study English at UTAS. They arrived on February 10 and on weekends have enjoyed swimming, picnics, walking on kuyani/Mt Wellington and trying different food as well as attending University each weekday.
Yuina and Kokona volunteered their time to visit some classes in the Primary School. In Year 3, Yuina shared a Japanese children’s hiragana writing game called ‘he no mo he ji’. The students learnt 4 hiragana and how to write them making the shape of a face. In Kindergarten, Yuina and Kokona read a bilingual book titled ‘Maisy goes to bed’ / ‘maijiichan beddo ni hairimasu’. Time was limited for their visits to Year 1 and 4 however Yuina and Kokona introduced themselves in Japanese while the students listened and used their knowledge to understand what information was said. Also, there was a short time for questions for our visitors. Some questions included:
What is your favourite candy? Beatrix
What animal year were you born in? Evie
What is your least favourite thing? Olivia
Are dragons real? Florence
Why are dragons traditional in Japan? Ishreet
Why are dragons so important? Sylvia
Year 5 Camp
My first impression of our camp was that it was open to nature - it was busy with lots of wildlife. Jeanie
The best activity was 'Spotlight' because we all ran so fast. Sophie
The food was really good - I love barbecues and I honestly think it was really great. Amaya
I learned how the convicts made bricks. I learned that when convicts ran into the forest there was no escape because the ocean was like a fence. Mia Gray
The most exhausting moment was the 40 min walk through the bush. Elise
I learned that someone tried to escape Port Arthur by wearing a kangaroo skin. Cadence
Making Jesus Real
Both Year 5 classes came together last week to enjoy an engaging and thought-provoking MJR session with Marty Ogle.
Marty's lively and humourous style kept us entertained and attentive, several students even got involved with his numerous 'magic' tricks. Discussions were rich, and ranged from practicing gratitude; helping out at home; overcoming barriers; and standing up for what you believe in.
Staff and students came away with positive food for thought and we extend our thanks to Marty for another great visit.