From the Classroom

Term 1 Reflections

The Yr 7 & 8s were asked to reflect on what has been a brilliant Term 1 at MITS, full of learning and exciting new experiences. 


The best thing about living in the Boarding House was doing activities every weekend, sleeping in a room full of friends and good staff members who always keep us safe - Jermaine


Laelani at Melbourne Uni
Laelani at Melbourne Uni

This term I am proud of facing my fears, by living in the big city - Robin


Something I am looking forward to next term is coming back to see everyone, I cannot wait - Christello


Something I am looking forward to next term is the Dreamtime match - Nick


This term I am proud of the hard work I’ve done, smashing the maths and the friends I have made - Jaydah


This term I am proud of my reading and how I have got better at pronouncing things that I don't usually say, doing new things that I don't usually do, making new friends and improving in my maths - Josie


Yidaki with Mr Jayden
Yidaki with Mr Jayden

This term I have learned many things in all different subjects. Just to name a few, in Maths we’ve been working on using the BODMAS strategy and solving problems, in Health we are looking at the different muscles, joints and bones in the human body and in writing we are improving our texts by using the 5 senses to create amazing stories - Latia


Something I am looking forward to next term is learning more about our partner school - Satira


This term I have learned about working with different groups and being more organised - Greenisha


This term I am proud of doing Maths because I have tried really hard - Laelani


This term I have learned about body systems in Health and I also learned that there are 4 parts in the heart - Shaylee


Derek and Clancy with Ms Tara
Derek and Clancy with Ms Tara

This term I have learned how to break words up, spell them and know what a digraph is. I have practiced using digraphs like zz, ss, ll, ff, sh,ch,ck,wh, ng - Clancy


A challenge this term was remembering the systems in the plant cell and animal cell. It was also a challenge to cut open the squid because of the smell being so bad - Sophie


This term I have learned all about different landforms and landscapes in your home country and all around the world. We have also done a poster about different places in Australia. For example, I have done Jim Jim Falls because it is a landform close to my home country - Shaylen



This term I am proud of learning about B.O.D.M.A.S in Maths because now I get it! - Tayha