Principal News

Introducing David Foley and Tandy Johnson

Latest update: 


We have just completed the year 6 Camp to Phillip Island Adventure Resort. It is a highlight of the year for our students.  I wish to firstly thank our wonderful staff, parent helpers and student teacher for their tireless efforts to ensure the students experience a memorable event.  The weather was just right, not cold nor hot and the was no sign of rain.  The accommodation is a high standard and the food was excellent. 

The students were enthusiastic and responded well to the challenges of activities like the giant swing which is 18 metres high and the flying fox which has a 250 metre length. The climbing wall in the leisure centre is complex with three different levels of difficulty and the circatron is a NASA designed machine that spins the person around in all directions. The children loved the beach, surfing and sand castle activities.  In the evening we had a suburb disco and our teachers even joined in for a dance!  We have loaded a photo gallery with up to 100 photographs for you to share.