Clinic operates 9.30 to 1.15 pm each Thursday

Missed immunisations at school - free at Doctor in Schools Clinic

Missed immunisations at school - see the Doctor in School Clinic (fre

The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, Gardasil 9, used in Australia is safe, effective and protects against nine types of HPV that cause almost all cervical cancers, other HPV-related cancers and genital warts.  However, in Victoria repercussions of COVID-19 school lockdowns and other health related barriers associated with the pandemic has seen HPV vaccination coverage declining, with around one in seven teens having missed their scheduled dose. 


If your child missed their HPV or any other school based immunisations, they can have them for FREE in the Doctors in Secondary School clinic onsite at our school on Thursdays. To make an appt contact the school office any day of the week.