Mr. Justin Matt, Mr. Brad Vallance, Mr. Josh Willersdorf

Dear Red Cliffs Secondary College Community,


As we near the end of Term 1, I want to acknowledge the efforts and achievements of our school community. This term has seen notable progress and collaboration, and I want to thank everyone for their dedication and support.


Our recent parent-teacher interviews were met with outstanding attendance from our parents and caregivers. Your active participation in these meetings underscores the strong partnership between home and school, which is crucial for the success of our students. Let us continue to work hand in hand to ensure that every student receives the support and guidance they need to excel academically and personally.


Maintaining high expectations and fostering a calm, orderly learning environment remains a cornerstone of our approach at Red Cliffs Secondary College. By upholding these standards, we create a space where every individual has the opportunity to learn and thrive. I commend our students and staff for their unwavering commitment to creating a positive learning environment for all.


I'm proud of our students who participated in the recent Youth Leadership Forum, showcasing their abilities and the positive impact they can have in the wider community. I also appreciate our Student Representative Council for ensuring student voices are heard. Special thanks to Ms. Nunn and Mr. Vallance for guiding the SRC in Ms. Notley's absence.


As we continue to emphasize the importance of student attendance, let us remember that every day counts in a student's educational journey. It is crucial that we work together as a school community to provide the necessary support to ensure that our students attend school regularly and make the most of their learning opportunities.


Opening our doors to local principals for learning walks and peer observations was a rewarding experience, receiving positive feedback about our school environment. I'm proud of the professionalism shown by our staff and students.


Listening to Cecelia Sinaki Krishna-Hona share her experience at the NMLLEN Annual General Meeting. Her involvement in the Northern Mallee Horticulture Immersion Project and documentary is a testament to the outstanding opportunities available to our students at Red Cliffs Secondary College.


We welcome Mr. Mazza to our Wellbeing team and look forward to the positive impact he will have on our students' well-being. His expertise and dedication will further enhance the support services we provide to our school community.


I would like to extend my congratulations to Phil Gourlay on his re-election as School Council president and extend a warm welcome to our new School Council members, Janet Thompson, Rod Galvin and Molly Gleeson as a student rep. Your dedication to our school's governance is greatly appreciated, and I look forward to working closely with you in the coming years. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Amber for her invaluable contributions during her time on the School Council.


As we move into an exciting period of review and reflection, I am confident that the insights gained will shape our new strategic plan and guide us as we continue on our journey of improvement and growth.


Lastly, I'm excited to announce the upcoming Colour Run, organized by our SRC and Wellbeing team in conjunction with our School Cross Country event. It promises to be a fun and celebratory way to conclude the term, bringing our community together.


As we break for the Easter holidays, I wish you all a safe and enjoyable time with loved ones. Let's return rejuvenated and ready for Term 2.


Kind regards,


Mr. Justin Matt, Principal, 

Mr. Brad Vallance, Assistant Principal 

Mr. Josh Willersdorf, Assistant Principal