Years 2/3

This has been another busy week with lots of learning! The students have been busy practising for the upcoming Red Gum Festival, where they will be playing the marimbas at 10am down at the stage area and also preparing their art pieces. We are entering a senior group sculpture plus individual entries into the art show.
Next Tuesday, the Year 3s will be at the SGSSA Athletics at Mitchell Park. The Year 2s will remain at school with Miss Gray. Our Year 3s have completed all their NAPLAN testing now too. They showed lots of concentration and effort. Well done Year 3s!
In Maths, we have been working on speedy number facts and multiplication. In English, we have been reading many of Bob Graham's books as our focus author. We are also practising expanding our sentences by adding details such as - who, why, where, what and when. For example, the base sentence 'They jumped' can become 'In summer, the young boys jumped into the pool because it was hot.'