This week's notes

Dear families and friends,
Acting Principal
We are still waiting to hear from the Department as to an appointment of an Acting Principal to start in Term 2. They have recently interviewed someone for the position and we will advise you as soon as we know any further details.
School Council News
This week, the School Council held its AGM and elected new office bearers.
The 2024 council members are:
Tim Huf - President
Simon Thomas - Vice President
Carly Behncke - Treasurer
Amy Gray - Secretary
Nikaila Glenn - Community representative
TBC- Acting Principal
Sharee Butler & Ben Cross - Parent Members
We still require one more parent member to come on to the Committee. If anyone is interested in joining School Council please contact Tammy.
End of Term 1
There is a 2:30pm dismissal next Thursday for the end of the term.
School resumes on Monday 15th April.
SGSSA Athletics 2024
The Year 3- 6 students are training for the SGSSA Annual Athletics Sports (Southern Grampians School Sport's Association) to be held this Tuesday 26th March with a 9:15 start. We have a change of venue this year and the sports will be held at Mitchell Park, Mt Napier Rd, Hamilton. Please remember parents are asked to provide transport for their children on this day.
BYO chairs, snacks, school hats and sunscreen, lunch and drinks. Students should wear school sports uniform (navy polo and shorts). The coffee van will be available.
Cavendish PS is running the boys and girls Long Jump event on the day and we would be really appreciative if we could have 1 or 2 parent helpers to assist us on each rotation. Please let us know if you can help.
The 2024 program is attached below:
Thank you
Thanks to Tim Huf for putting up some of our school photos on the wall in the school entrance after it was painted in the holidays.
A big thank you to Greg Richards and Tony Clutterbuck for the delivery and supply of new sand for our long jump pit. The senior students have been very keen to practice their long jump in readiness for the SGSSA sports next week.
Responsible Pets Visit
Unfortunately, Tucker the dog and his handler were unable to visit Cavendish PS today but have booked in to visit on Friday 19th April. Something to look forward to in the first week back after holidays!
Kids at play
The weather has been sunny and warm the past few weeks and the students have been enjoying being able to get out at recess and lunch to play.
Have a good weekend
Sally Purnell
Acting Principal