Religious Education 

 Mrs Cheryl Ross | REC Coordinator 

A Prayerful and reflective journey through Holy Week by the students of OLF


Palm Sunday Reflection by Kinder and Year 1 

Today we remember the day that Jesus made his way into Jerusalem and how the people were so happy to see him. 

Jerusalem was really busy on this day with lots of visitors and travellers because it was the Passover holiday.

It looked like a parade was coming into town! Everyone was crowding around one man and they were following him. This man was called Jesus.


When this man got to the city gate he called out to one of his close friends.. 


“Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there. Untie him and bring him to me. If anyone says anything to you, tell them that the Lord needs the donkey.”



The Washing of the feet : Reflection led by Year 4 

Jesus gathered with his friends to celebrate the Passover feast: a festival 

to commemorate the Hebrews' escape as slaves from Egypt.

Peter and John, two of Jesus’ disciples, went to a friend’s house and in an upstairs room they prepared the food and table.

Later, Jesus and all the disciples gathered to begin the celebrations.

Before they began Jesus did a strange thing: he knelt down and washed the feet of each disciple.

“You should not be doing this,” the disciples protested. “You are our Lord and Teacher!”

But Jesus said 

“Let me wash your feet so I can show you how much I love you. Also, you must remember to serve in the same way to show how much you love each other.”


The Last Supper: Reflection led by Year 6 

When Jesus came to Jerusalem it was the time of Passover. This was when Jesus planned to have the Passover meal with His disciples. It would be the very last meal with his disciple friends.


“Go in the city and you will meet a man with a pitcher of water who will show you a room upstairs in a house for the last supper. Go and get the meal ready.” 


Peter and John did what Jesus said 


Later Jesus and the disciples gathered in the upper room 


Once they were gathered, they had a lot to talk about. The disciples had many questions. Then Jesus said.... 

“My friends and disciples, I am so glad to have this Passover meal with you as this is the last time we will be able to have a meal together.” 

Then Jesus took a loaf of bread, and after giving thanks and blessing it he broke it, gave it to his disciples and said “Take this all of you and eat it. This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in memory of me”Then Jesus picked up the cup and gave thanks.

This cup that is poured out for you is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in memory of me. 

While they were having the Passover meal the disciples began to argue among themselves each saying there were the best disciples (Disciples all say one after another "I am the greatest" )

As they were talking Jesus said He would be betrayed by many and that even one in the room would betray Him.  The disciples kept asking who it was.   Jesus finally said : The one who dips his bread in my bowl would be the one.   Judas dipped his bread in the bowl and knew at once Jesus knew it was him. Judas had already betrayed Him to the high priest and others for thirty pieces of silver..……. Judas was so ashamed he got up and left the room.

After the feast was over Jesus took His disciples and went to the garden to pray.


The Garden of Gethsemane: Reflection led by Year 2

After the Last Supper, Jesus entered the garden of Gethsemane with his Disciples. 

He asked them to wait while he prayed, this is a most difficult time for Jesus.

 Jesus prayed to his Father: “Father, let this cup pass from me if this is what you want.”

Jesus returned to find his closest friends, the Disciples, asleep. He asked if they could not stay awake with him in this hour. 

He returned to his prayers.

Jesus said to his Father: “My father, let your will be done.” 

Again he went to check on his disciples and he found them all asleep.

So he left them and went away once more and prayed the third time, saying the same thing.

When he finally returned to the disciples he said to them : “Are you still sleeping and resting? Look, the hour has come, and the Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of sinners. Get up!  Let’s  go! Here comes my betrayer!”

Judas and the soldiers entered the Garden towards Jesus. Judas tapped Jesus on the shoulder and the soldiers arrested him and took him away to be trialled.


The Resurrection of Jesus

Please join us next Wednesday 3rd April for a reflection on the Resurrection of Christ led by our Year 3 and 5 students, at 9am on top playground. 


Wishing each of you a blessed and Holy Easter ! 



Cheryl Ross | Religious Education Coordinator