News from our 

Assistant Principal

Louise Gordon

Staff Development Day 

Our school’s Staff Development Day is scheduled for this coming Tuesday 2nd April. 

On this day teachers will be participating in a Reading Course aligned with the new NESA English Syllabus K-6 to learn more about the following:


•Principles of effective reading instruction

•Syllabus expectations related to the teaching and assessing of reading

•The relationship between reading, language and writing


Supervision will be provided for students if necessary in the school library.

Year 5 Curriculum Day

Year 5 girls are invited to participate in a Curriculum Day on Friday, 5 April 2024 at Our Lady of Mercy College Burraneer. The day will provide an exciting opportunity for students to experience high school curriculum activities and to interact with other students from our local primary schools, feeder Catholic primary schools and our College.


Students will travel by bus to and from the school to OLM. The bus will depart between 9.00am and 9.15am from the school and students will return to school by normal finishing time.


Year 5 parents are reminded to read the Year 5 Curriculum Day Event on Compass and to give consent if their daughter is attending.


This day will be a normal school day for those students not attending the Curriculum Day.

Bike Safety

Parents please remind your children if they are riding a bicycle to and from school about the importance of road safety. Caringbah is a busy area with a high volume of traffic during peak hours.


In addition there are many driveways that service apartments that can be dangerous if students are not alert. Please encourage your child if they are riding to and from school not to detour to visit shops etc


The school recommends that only students in Years 4- 6 ride their bike to school if they are confident and aware of road rules and safety procedures.


Students must walk their bike down to the school premises using the pathways if entering from Port Hacking Road.                                  

Year 1 Reading Skills Invitation

SCECS Vacation Care - Miranda







Ms Louise Gordon | Assistant Principal