Year 3 - Middle Unit

In Reading this term, we have begun looking at the different connections we can make with a text when reading it. We are practising making text to self, text to text and text to world connections during our independent reading time and recording our thinking on Post-It notes.
We have also been looking at different genres and have used this to go ‘book shopping’ with our book boxes. We have chosen a variety of different books from both the take home readers and our classroom library to read as part of a balanced reading diet.
In Writing this term, we are learning about Explanation texts and their different text features. We have been practising identifying these features and will use this knowledge to experiment with writing our own Explanation texts later on this term.
In Term 2, the Year 3 students have begun to learn about addition and the different strategies we can use to add two or more numbers together.
In the past couple of days, we have begun learning about the split strategy, where we ‘split’ numbers into their place value (hundreds, tens, ones etc) in order to easily add them together.
Year 3 Teachers
Ashleigh Dodds (3AD), Mark Condon (3MC)/Juliet Smith, Sally Quinn (3SQ)