Student Leaders

Captain's Corner, Wellbeing & Environmental

Captains Corner

Alita, Lacey, Kento and Tom


Welcome to Captain's Corner Term 2 Week 1.  


So far we have had a good first week with lots of learning.  

Being the first week, we don't have too much planned.  

Next week and the week after that on the other hand is full of fun things, like cross country and lapathon.  Also next week is ANZAC Day and the School Captain's (us) will be laying a wreath and reading a poem at the Woodend RSL, to show commemoration.  We will also be marching in the ANZAC parade.


Now that we're heading into the colder months of the year, parents, please make sure to remind your child(ren) to bring some warmer clothes so they can still play outside at lunchtime and recess.  

As you probably know there are constructions going on in the court yard and the quiet area, so make sure to stay out of those spots, just for general safety.


We're hoping that you can all have a good second term and good luck to all the new arrivals at this wonderful school.


Thank you for reading this week's Captain's Corner.