Year -1/2 Unit

Welcome to Term Two!
We hope that everyone had a lovely Easter break and that all the 1/2 students are refreshed and ready for a new term of learning.
The 1/2s returned to very different looking classrooms this week. We were fortunate to have carpet installed in our classrooms over the holidays so our rooms are feeling lovely and cozy. Just in time for winter!
We have lots of learning planned for the upcoming term. For the next few weeks in Reading, the 1/2s will be looking at the purpose and features of non fiction books and making connections between non fiction books and their own experiences. In Writing, our focus will be writing texts that explain how something works. In Maths this week we learnt about months, seasons and how to read calendars. Next week we’ll move into our addition unit of work.
Our Science and Design Inquiry this term will have students investigate push and pull forces and how these forces work to make toys move. The 1/2s will have opportunities to make and explore simple toys as well as design a piece of play equipment using their knowledge of forces.
The 1/2s have a busy few weeks ahead. There’s Cross Country and Anzac Day next week and school photos and Lapathon the following week (Week 3). You are more than welcome to come and watch your child/ren in the Cross Country and you may even wish to join in with Lapathon! Details of when and where will be elsewhere is this newsletter or you can head to Compass to find out more.
Just a reminder that you will receive a Show and Tell timetable this week. Show and Tell is beginning in Week 2 so we ask that you check the day your child is presenting. Your child will present every fortnight over the course of six weeks. We encourage the students to prepare what they’re going to say before their turn and wish to thank you in advance for your support with this.
Year 1/2 Teachers
Debbie Thompsopn (12T)/Greer Arnold, Lyndsay Adamson (12A),
Zoe Sutherland (12S)/Juliet Smith, Emma Beaumont (12B)/Greer Arnold,
Katherine Richardson (12R)