Mission News

Mrs Anna Nasr


We pray for those in our community who are unwell at this time, especially Margaret Lawson (aunt of Ethan Lawson-Smith, Year 12) who is undergoing brain surgery next week. We remember in prayer those who have died recently. May they rest in the peace of God and may their loved ones be supported in their time of grief. Amen.

Community Mass 

As guests gathered for Friday’s Sports Lunch, a sizeable group of our fine sportsmen attended Friday Mass, from Primary boys all the way through to our Seniors. It was wonderful to see the boys participating as we continued this tradition of gathering for Eucharist and prayerfully preparing for the weekend of competition.


Mass Times


Wednesday Morning - 8:00am

Friday 1st Break - 11:45am



This week as we gear up to celebrate Champagnat day on Thursday, we are reminded that we are part of not just a Marist Ashgrove family, or a national group of schools but a global family of over 600 schools around the world in 80 countries. It started with a man who had a vision, a passion and a strong sense of social justice. A man who had a devotion to Mary and a love of Jesus.


This year marks the 25th year of St Marcellin Champagnat’s canonisation.


Let us pray +


God of unconditional love, 

we thank you for your many gifts,

and ask you to bless us with a renewed commitment to 

the work of Catholic education as we gather for this meeting. 

Help each one of us to use the most effective ways 

of extending your compassion to all. 

Bless all those who work in the name of Marist with joy and peace. 

Keep alive in all of us your spirit of creativity and vision 

which brings us all to a better world. 

Give us time to build strong communities and friendships, 

wisdom to know our gifts and our goals, 

and generosity to reach beyond ourselves to those in need. 

May all who work with us grow to a deeper awareness 

of the importance of their presence, 

and remind us all to express our appreciation of the service of each one. 


Mary our good mother                           pray for us

St Marcellin Champagnat                     pray for us

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop          pray for us

And may we always remember          to pray for one another

Amen. + 

Paddington Community Centre

A group of Year 7 students experienced a wonderful visit to the Paddington Community Centre last week. The elderly folk really enjoy chatting to the boys, playing games and singing together. 


Sony Foundation Camp – Calling all campers!

Sony Foundation Camp is back on campus over the September School Holidays with both Marist and Mt Alvernia Year 11 students will be taking on the role of companions for children with a disability.


However, for the camp to proceed, we need campers! We would love to support our local community so please reach out to your friends, relatives, neighbours or any family you know who might be in need of respite. We would love to assist!


Please visit our website – Sony Foundation Camp 2024 - Marist College Ashgrove (marash.qld.edu.au) to fill in an application form.  


St Vincent de Paul and the Environment Group

Vinnies and the Environment Group meetings will continue alternating Thursday during break 1B in Room 801. All students are welcome.

Stationery Aid

Students are invited to come along to Room 801 on Fridays mornings between 7:30am-8:30am to help out with Stationery Aid.


Donations to Stationery Aid are always gratefully received in the blue bin next to the Mission Office.


To find out more, visit: https://stationeryaid.org/