Mrs Jillian Rainger

What's been happening @ HTS

It has been great walking around the school over the last week and seeing wonderful things happening. 


Yesterday I joined with all the students and staff in K-2 to watch the final practice of 1M's dance for the Eisteddfod this week. The students on the stage beamed with enthusiasm for their song and their moves. The students in the audience gave a big round of applause to wish them well for Tuesday. Thanks to Mrs Moore for entering her class in the Eisteddfod.


I couldn't put this photo in when I took it as it was Year 6 students working on their Mother's Day gift - some lovely jewellery and I didn't want to ruin the surprise. However, it reminds me of the work our Stage 2 and 3 leaders , Mrs Murphy and Mrs Selig are doing at the moment which is looking at new activities for break times. Primary students completed a Google Form last week about the snack clubs and playground activities that they would like to be involved in. Our stage leaders will work towards these ideas becoming a reality. One of the suggestions was Jewellery Club and Mrs Swadling is keen to run this - beads, clips etc have been ordered!


On Monday I visited Miss Bailey's Year 7 History class. The class was abuzz with enthusiasm as they presented their groups work to one another. They were teaching one another about the Chinese dynasty that their group had researched. They had obviously enjoyed  the learning that they had done and were happy to share. A good learner can demonstrate their learning by teaching someone else. Here is some of their presentations that they spoke to.

Lastly, there has been so much skipping taking place, boys and girls, young and old in K-6 as we prepare for our Jump Rope for Heart Jump Off Day. It is great watching students complete amazing skipping moves. 

Thank you to our great students who are always willing to give new things a go and enjoy their learning. Thanks to our staff who make these things happen.


Next week is our Annual Catholic Schools Week Picnic. Families are welcome to come to school on Wednesday at 12pm with a picnic to eat with their children on the Front Lawn. Bring a rug or seats and a picnic and enjoy being part of our Holy Trinity School family. Students will have a different break times on this day so students from K-10 can all eat together to as one big family. A flyer will be in your child's bag today as a reminder.

I look forward to seeing you there!