It's In The Fabric

Tim Argall - Executive Principal

“Let me give you an example: the reason I want all my teachers to be Christians can be seen in my Maths classes - if my Maths teacher was not Christian, there is no way my favourite subject’s lessons would have continual explanations of how God’s plan for His world can be seen in the very fabric of Mathematics.”


Thus spoke an 18-year-old boy at the “Faith in our Future” gathering at Waverley Christian College on Wednesday night this week. One of nine speakers, this young man used this as his first example as he built out a compelling argument to a 1300-plus strong audience of Christian parents from more than 20 Christian schools from all over Victoria, who were joined by federal parliamentarians.


“The very fabric of Mathematics”. 


What a beautiful expression! For those with less numeracy skills, maybe it was even a little surprising! But he was right. God’s design is perfect, His creation is wider, deeper and more loveable than we can imagine. It is fascinating, daunting, spectacular and mind-blowing. And it can be seen with greater clarity by those who have wisdom to explain it.  


Christian teachers have that gift - the ability to share their own faith-informed insights into their chosen areas of instruction, ones they share passionately and faithfully in classes at our school every day.


“The very fabric of Business Studies”

“The very fabric of Chemistry”

“The very fabric of learning to read”

“The very fabric of Art”


He could have said any of these. No matter what the subject, God’s design can be explained and should be allowed to, in the classes of Christian schools by Jesus-following teachers.


One Step Further.

But God’s design is not just seen in the way a subject is taught. God’s design is weaved into the fabric that makes up you.Every sinew of your being is part of God’s narrative, part of the way His majesty is revealed to the world. Jesus’ life on earth gives us the perfect picture of humanity’s possibility. We have been called to follow in the Jesus way.  


A Christian teacher in front of a class of Christian students - that’s the modelling parents are seeking. Modelling of how to live, how to think, how to be a faith-filled disciple, faithful to a call. A call that is understood better and better as we understand the fabric that God has created in us.


And Finally,

God’s design is not just in the fabric of concepts or individuals. It’s seen in how a community forms, lives together in the light of Jesus’ saving work, and exists amongst those who don’t know of God’s design.


What will our fabric look like?


Will it be beautiful?


Life giving?

Generous in all directions?

Kingdom minded?

Shalom seeking?

The hands and feet of Jesus to those amongst us and nearby?

To those further afield?


Let’s pray on that a while.





Please note, I am away on long service leave for the month of June. This is the last Principally Thinking until Term 3. 


Viv Stapleton will be Acting Executive Principal during my time away.