Student Leaders News & Awards

Antonella Tsakmakis - Wellbeing Leader



Each week an award will be given to a student who demonstrates

one or all of our school values:    

Community   Excellence   Respect

This week we congratulate Sammy in 3/4 VA for his effort in learning new math skills

and for his persistence to improve in all his learning. Well done Sammy!


Class Awards     Term Two    Week 5 

Class awards are presented to students who have demonstrated great effort and achievement in their learning. We acknowledge collaboration and initiative as well

as resilience and kindness in their classroom this week. 


GradeStudent’s NameAwarded for...

Prep AK



AbigailFor trying your best in all your learning

Prep SV



OtiFor your hard work identifying letter sounds.

1/2  AS



MayaFor constantly completing learning tasks to the best of her ability. Well done Maya!

1/ 2  DG



SelenaFor demonstrating resilience and putting in a big effort to follow class routines. 

1/ 2 MB



Mason For being a great leader in 1/2MB. Mason, thank you for always being a caring classmate! You're a star!

3/4 TR



Emmanuel Great contribution during science discussions. Asking interesting questions.

3/ 4  MG



Khanh Ha 


Khanh Ha- For excellent bookwork and effort this week. 

3/ 4  VA



Ashley For making positive choices and trying your best in all subjects.  Thank you Ashley!

5/6  FA



Louiza Working hard to complete her reading activities in class.

5/6 BOC









For showing great persistence and sportsmanship at the school cross-country. 

We are so proud of you, Cam!

Keep up the great effort and training.


Performing Arts- 

Ms Stanton


Mikayla 5/6 BOC 


For contributing detailed and interesting observations of melodramatic videos.




Mrs Mcleary

Lucy 3/4 VAFor always being ready to learn and learning the different positions in Netball


Mr Su


Emersyn - Prep SVFor showing good listening during the lesson and her great work in writing the new words.

Science-Ms Colleen


Xavier 1/2ASFor an excellent representation of a food chain
Visual Arts-Ms ColleenRoman 3/4TR For his creativity and focus on an art project 



Student Leaders and SRC Meeting

Term Two  Week 6

Present: Lendrick, Chloe, Chelsea, William, Amelia

Cesafino, Claudia, Hannah, Anthony, Mikayla, 

Date: Monday 20 May 2024 

Teacher Present: Mrs Antonella


A huge "THANK YOU" to Otis from Prep and his parents for assembling the

play kitchen for the junior area!


Nude food day is now on Thursday and we encourage all students to be aware of the plastic and food wrappers in their lunch!


On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  learning this week? 

Prep AK -  8 new heart words , learning about different animals

Prep SV- 8 farm animals and learning about how important they are to us

1/2 MB - 8 spelling and writing our stories

1/2 DG - 8 reading and math are fun

1/2 AS - 9 focused on our learning and having neat handwriting

3/4 TR - 8 listening well and waiting our turn

3/4 MG - 8 really enjoying performing Arts and concert,  writing information reports

3/4 VA - 8 subtraction and information reports

5/6 BOC - 8 reading our class text, making stop motion video for inquiry

5/6 FA - 8 math is challenging, in Science we are learning about plants



On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  working together this week?

Prep AK - 7 looking after one another and helping

Prep SV- 7 keeping our learning space tidy

1/2 MB- 8 we need to listen more and finish our work 

1/2 DG - 8 not getting distracted by others

1/2 AS -  8 some people need to help in the classroom

3/4 TR 8 follow instructions and ask for help if we need it

3/4 MG - 8 making posters,  retelling the story in groups

3/4 VA - 8 some people are not contributing to class discussions

5/6 BOC -7 answering questions about the class novel and finding our more about what happened

5/6 FA - 8 co operation and discussion in our groups



Learning and events at Trinity this week:

  • Visitors at our school review here Monday and Tuesday
  • Year 3/4 excursion to the Werribee Zoo on Wednesday
  • The Boite choir breakfast on Wednesday at 7.45 so come along and support the choir  
  • National Simultaneous Story Time 12pm P-6 on Wednesday

What can we improve

 on this week:

  Class                     Actions

Some students are being a bit rough when playing on the adventure playground


JuniorsWe all want to play safely and have fun- remind them about how we play and if you need help call a teacher.
Skipping ropes are for skipping onlyJuniors

Unsafe playing on the yard is not ok - please ask them to stop and be safe and call a teacher



 Suggestions from the SRC

Can the Library be open during lunch or snack when it is cold weather?


Safety issues from the SRC

Skipping ropes on the yard- some students are tying people up with them and pulling them along- we all want to play safely and have fun outside.

If you see students doing this please call a teacher on duty.



If at any time you would like to chat about anything wellbeing related at Trinity, or you have any questions or concerns about your child's wellbeing, please do not hesitate to see your child's teacher or myself. 

Antonella Tsakmakis

Wellbeing Leader