News of the Week

Dear Parents and Friends,
Today's student newsletter has arrived. In this newsletter we will talk about the school diary competition, the kinder visits for the Year 5s and the interschool sports teams results. And also if you didn't know, the Year 3 to 6s went on an excursion to clean up Mordialloc. We are also voting on the suggestions provided for the new swimming pool name. There is also an Athletics day just around the corner. And if you haven't heard, there is a Trivia Night so get excited for that! Enjoy this week's newsletter.
School Diary Competition
The School Diary Competition is always popular and we get a lot of entries. Once all the entries are in the teachers chose the best 5 and then we do a whole school vote. The winning entry then gets put on our school diary front cover for the following year. Good luck everyone.
Iris- I want to enter the diary competition because it sounded thrilling and I want to win!
Jack-I entered the competition because I am determined to win!
Year 5's & Mordialloc Kinder Visits
Our Year 5 students introduced the Mordi Kinder 3 and 4 year old groups to St Brigid’s. The Year 5’s helped the Kinder children complete PMP activities, a STEM activity with the BeeBots and of course introduced them to our baby rabbits. Both the Year 5s and the Kinder children had a great time playing with each other.
Luke: Luke said he very much enjoyed it and loved the experience, he enjoyed seeing them learn about the Bee-Bots and to teach them sports. He also loved seeing their reaction when they saw the rabbits in the 1-2 area.
Isaac: Isaac said he really enjoyed the experience and it was fun teaching them about the Bee-Bots. The activities they did with the kinder kids were Bee-Bots, bunnies and sport in the hall.
5/6 Interschool Sports Teams
Last week's interschool sport was St Brigid's vs St John Vianney Parkdale. Here are the results from last Friday.
Score for soccer- 13 to 1 (we won)
Score for footy- 10 to 58 (we lost)
Score for netball- 22 to 3 (we lost)
We have been playing interschool sports for the last 2 terms now and have been improving a lot. Everyone has been really encouraging by saying kind words and saying a good job at the end of every game. All the teams have been losing and winning a lot but they do not give up and keep playing every game. Soccer has been played at Mordi, Mordi beach, Dingley, St John Vianneys and many more schools. We have won 5 games. We are all very excited for the upcoming games and we are ready to cheer on not only our own teams but also the other schools.
We do not have a game this Friday due to our Sacred Heart Mass at St Brigid’s Church. The 5/6 students are still to come to school in their sports uniforms tomorrow as we will be having interschool sport practice.
Help us name the new aquatic and leisure centre!
The City of Kingston have run a Community Reference Group over the past couple of months and have come up come up with a short list of five names for the new centre. The Council have asked us to help choose a name. The choices are:
Baam Aquatic Centre (Pronounced barm) - A celebration of the heritage significance of the area, Baam is a local Indigenous word meaning ‘waterhole’. The one-syllable word is easy to recall and condensed enough for enduring impact. Drawing from the symbolism of the ‘waterhole’, it aptly supports the idea of the new centre as “a vibrant place for our community to gather, where people can develop social connections and a sense of belonging”.
Mordi Aquatics - Direct and descriptive, Mordi Aquatics highlights the key purpose and offerings available at the new centre.
Mordi Aquatic Centre - A name that says exactly what it is while referencing the most relatable location term, Mordi, used by locals.
Mordi Baam Aquatic Centre (Pronounced barm) - Matching the most relatable locational term, Mordi, with the local Indigenous word, Baam, that means ‘waterhole’ emphasises the heritage significance of the area and “a vibrant place for our community to gather”.
Mordi Pools - Simple and straightforward, Mordi Pools, celebrates the iconic status of the local pool. It preempts the name that locals will assign it, whether it is official or not. The addition of the ‘s’ to ‘Pool’ suggests more than one pool and by doing so promotes the larger offering of the centre.
We will have a ballot boxes at school this week for the children to cast their vote and it will be collected on Tuesday 18th June.
We will be voting as a school but parents you can have a say to!! Follow the link th cast your vote.
St Brigid's Athletics Day - THIS TUESDAY 11 JUNE
Our first Athletics Carnival is just around the corner!!
The day will begin with all students completing a 100m sprint. Then students will rotate through track and field events throughout the day. All students will earn house points for their house colour. There will be an assembly back at school at 3pm to announce the overall house colour winners.
Students in Years 3-6 will complete long jump, shot put, discus, 200m, hurdles, 100m and 800m events. The results from these events will pick the St Brigid’s Athletics team that will represent our school at the Mordialloc District Athletics Carnival in September.
Students from Foundation - Year 2 will compete in athletic and novelty events.
Venue: Mentone Athletics Track (Dolamore Oval, Queen St, Parkdale VIC 3195)
Time: 8:45am - 3:00pm (Please make sure your child/ren are on time as the bus will be leaving promptly at 8.50am.)
Transport: Students will be transported via bus to and from the venue accompanied by staff.
Uniform: Full school sports uniform with house colour top
Students will need to bring a packed snack, lunch, water bottle and coat in case of rain for the day.
At the moment the weather forecast for Tuesday isn't looking great. We will make a decision on Monday and families will be advised via the Audiri App. If we have to postpone our back up day is Friday 21st June.
We are looking forward to our Mum's and Dad's helping out.
Parents Trivia Night
Get ready Mums and Dads, the Trivia night is right around the corner! Don't forget to get your tickets as they're almost all sold out! Contact the office to get your tickets now!
Farewell to the Bunnies!
Today we said our last goodbyes to the bunnies but the parents are welcome to buy them if you would like. There loved having Emily (the mother rabbit) and watching her five babies grow over the last five weeks.
A "BIG" Thankyou
What a wonderful response we have had to our Winter St Vincen de Paul Appeal. The office is full to overflowing! It's not too late, the team from St Vincent's Mordialloc will be in to collect your very generous donations next week
Running Club
Week 8 Running Club
laps run = 156
km run = 7.8km
Total Km = 464.2km
We are on the Hume Fwy/National Hwy in New South Wales in Tarcutta. Don't forget NO RUNNING CLUB this Tuesday 11 June due to our Athletics Carnival.
We hope you have enjoyed this week's Student Newsletter proudly presented by the Sports Leaders.
Hugo, Mikki, Chloe, Sammy, Kirra and Josh G