Diary Notes
-Thursday 6th June: Dragonfly Follow-Up Session: Years 4/5/6 Girls
- Thursday 7th June: Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Monday 10th June: King’s Birthday Public Holiday
- Thursday 13th June: 4/5/6 Nature Walk
-Thursday 13th June: Book Club due
- Friday 14th June: Regional Cross Country
- Thursday 21st June: Dragonfly Follow-Up Session: Years 4/5/6 Girls
-Monday 24th June 2:15-3:15 pm: Student Learning Expo
-Thursday 27th June: Whole School Wellbeing Excursion- Inside Out 2
-Friday 28th June: Last Day Term 2- 2:15 pm Finish
**NEW - Monday 15th July: First Day Term 3
**NEW- Friday 19th July: Winter Sports Carnival Years 4/5/6