Above and Beyond

The Mystery of the Opal Heist

Students in All The World’s a Stage, a subject offered by Le-Anne McCraw, have been working towards a performance since the start of the year. This is one of their major assessments – they have memorised their lines, committed blocking to memory, and developed trust in their peers. They have also participated in backstage tasks such as ‘bumping in’, costume design as well as prop construction and use.

Emily put this visual together for her Journalism class.
Emily put this visual together for her Journalism class.

The Year 11 Media students are required to create a media product. As we were able to obtain permission to record the production, the students have worked extremely hard on working out how to best achieve this task. They will use the raw footage they collected to produce a film as one of their assessment tasks this semester.


The play was set in outback Australia, in the year 1890, in a small opal mining community called Listowel Downs in the state we now know as Queensland. When asked about the highs and lows of performing in front of an audience and choosing this class, students commented:

"I liked connecting with other students and creating better friendships"

"it was challenging to remember my lines"

"I enjoy acting and thought it would be a good subject to take"

"I got to know students I wouldn't have had the chance to"

"everyone was supportive, fun and we had a good sense of community"

"I didn't like wearing the makeup"

"I will do it again next year"


Congratulations to Lily, Isobel, Emily, Suniya, Misha, Lexie, Amelia, Eoghan, Charlotte and Hamish. You worked so well together in a supportive and fun-filled environment to deliver an engaging performance.


The students would like to extend a special thankyou to:

Darren Hunt – for your help for constructing the safe, mine, lighting, and sound. 

Annika Benne Keeble and Callum Bowring – for your help with prompting behind the scenes, and your assistance with sets and set dressing.

Mount Beauty Op Shop – for your ongoing support of the drama program. 

Le-Anne McCraw – our drama teacher who put her own time into writing this production, searching for props, costumes, and ancient-looking furniture for the set. We really appreciate the work you have put into this production, and for giving the students a unique opportunity. 


There are also many more people to thank for their assistance with ticket sales, poster design, set building, props and more. The students really appreciated everyone's time and support, and for giving them the chance to perform in front of an audience. 

Helen Haines Visit

Phil Seymour arranged for Dr Helen Haines to visit his Let's Vote classroom. Let's Vote is a middle school elective, where students have been learning about our voting system, the federal budget and presenting bills to parliament. Isabelle and Bindi worked hard to decorate Room 9 in an everything orange theme, while other students prepared pertinent, well-thought out questions to ask while she visited. Room 9 was filled with students from many different classes, Helen spoke well, gave detailed answers and everyone was buoyed from the visit and interaction with Helen and staff. 


Some of Helen's words, experiences and answers that struck a chord with students and staff include:

  • When asked about her advice for students over the next few years as they head into adulthood, Helen encouraged everyone to seek new opportunities as they arise. Using a door as an analogy, she described the importance of curiosity; if there is a door open just a little bit and you want to see what's on the other side, push the door open and step through. 
  • Their first hand experience of how the Bogong High Plains Road landslip has impacted our community. Helen and staff were delayed as a result of being held up at the road works.
  • Helen was empathetic, genuine and reassuring in her response to health questions, when asked how she manages her own work-pressures and mental health. As well as responding to a difficult question asked by a student whose sibling had been impacted by delays in emergency responses, and the strain in our hospital system.