Assistant Principal's Report

Mitch Harris

School Values

Respect, Kindness, Confidence


Attached to this newsletter is the Mt Beauty Secondary College School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) matrix. The matrix has been collaboratively designed with our school community to outline the behaviours expected of students which are necessary for success in both learning and wellbeing. To support the behaviour matrix, we have been recognising positive behaviour using Compass's Positive Chronicles feature. When students receive Positive Chronicles, parents and students will receive an email alerting them to this entry. Please take the time to ask your students about this, what it was for, and how they can continue this behaviour. This email is part of a staged plan to increase communication with parents about learning behaviours in our school. For any questions about chronicle entries, please contact the teacher, Student Engagement Leader, or Assistant Principal.


Lunchtime Activities

This week, some lunchtime activities began with netball on Thursday and Friday. It was pleasing to see students playing and cheering each other on. Thanks to Ms Paris for coordinating this opportunity for students. I encourage as many students as possible to get out there during lunch to cheer the teams on.


Family Partnership

At Mt Beauty Secondary College, we welcome and encourage parents/guardians to be partners in a student's learning journey. Teachers welcome contact to check in on how students are performing and to work together to maximise opportunities at school.