Year 3/4

Level Newsletter

Teacher Email Address Contacts


Upcoming Important Dates


From The Team

Wow, what an amazing two weeks we’ve had! We’ve been busy with Education Week, District Cross Country, an incursion, and our excursion to CERES. In between all these activities, we also celebrated Education Support Day. This gave us an opportunity to show our gratitude to Jenny and all the other support staff for all their tireless help and support at school.


During Education Week, it was a joy to see grandparents and special friends join our students for a morning of learning, and a picnic lunch on the stage. There was a real buzz in the classrooms as learning and experience was shared. In the evening we then invited families to join us for our Spotlight on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Open Night. In the 3/4 area, we shared our knowledge of coding by displaying our Spheros, Edisons and Bee-bots. It was another wonderful opportunity to share our love for learning with our wider school community.


On Friday 17th May, a select group of students attended District Cross Country at Kings Park. It was a chilly morning but the rain held off, and it was wonderful to see our students run and cheer each other on. A huge congratulations to Leila Williams for qualifying for Division Cross Country on the day!


Those students who stayed at school enjoyed a webinar on Climate Change, which had a focus on caring for your inner and outer world. Students enjoyed learning about climate change, how they can implement strategies to care for their inner world and planet, as well as the benefits of spending time in nature. This incursion was a taster to our excursion to CERES and supported the learning of our Integrated Studies unit, Our Sustainable Future.


On Monday 20th May, our students furthered their learning about Our Sustainable Future by attending an excursion to CERES as part of our Integrated Studies unit. Expert educators guided students to  explore how all living things require food, water and shelter. They explored their natural surroundings, looking at how different types of animals acquire these elements, and also enjoyed going pond dipping and examining their findings. In addition, students made warrigal green seed bombs and discussed the importance of sustainable living. It was a great day and we all enjoyed the opportunity to spend it surrounded by nature.


We encourage you to take the opportunity to ask your child about what their highlight from the last two weeks has been.


From the Level 3/4 Team 

Caz Sheaf, Caroline Foenander, Larissa Holdsworth and Nicole Rheumer


What We Are Learning



Reading Logs

We have a large number of students who are not bringing their Reading Logs back to school each Friday. It is important that students are reading on a daily basis. Please support your child with a few reminders.



Homework is due alternate Fridays. This term, we ask that you encourage and support your child to complete their homework and to return it by the due date for checking. The tasks have been planned based around the skills that we have taught at school and it is important that students consolidate their learning in order to retain their new knowledge.


Try This...

Pick a number and add that number to itself, then multiply it by 4 and divide the product by 8.


Try this with another number.

What do you notice?


Is this true for all numbers?


Grandparents And Special Friends Morning


Open Night


District Cross Country


Excursion To CERES