Year 1/2

Level Newsletter

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Upcoming Important Dates


From The Team

This term has flown by very quickly! In Year 1/2 we have been doing lots of work in the classroom, as well as quite a few activities out of the classroom, which have been super fun as well.


It was great to see so many families at the Grandparents Morning last Wednesday, and also at the Open Evening which was focused on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). The students loved showing what they do in the classroom and also in the specialist classes. Thank you to everyone who came along and helped made this day so special for our students. 


Our students have been working so hard on their information reports this term. They have chosen an animal to write about and they got to present their posters to the class this week. These included introductions, paragraphs about habitat and food, and pictures and diagrams as well. It is great to see how hard they have worked and to have the opportunity to show off their hard work to their classmates. They should all be very proud of themselves!


In a few weeks, our level will be going on an excursion to Healesville Sanctuary as part of our Habitats unit. Please check Compass for payment and consent for this, if you haven’t already. We are all so excited for this excursion - it will be a fantastic way to finish off our Habitats unit this term. 


Also, please let us know if you are interested in becoming a parent helper in your child’s classroom. We would appreciate some help in the morning (just for the first 40 minutes during our Morning Rigour sessions) to read with our students. Please let us know your availability.


- Kate Fox and Hannah Flintoff


What We Are Learning



  • Communication Folders: Please remember to bring these to and from school each day
  • Reading Logs: Record your child’s nightly reading
  • Red folders: Regularly practise reading or spelling these high-frequency words


Try This...

Can you work out what number each fruit represents?


Grandparents Morning And STEM Evening


Morning Rigour

The students have been amazing during their Morning Rigour sessions. They continue to work on their individual Rainbow Maths skill, followed by spelling practice using our Write2Read program. Students have been given a spelling codes and sounds chart which they can use to refer to in their writing.


Information Report Writing Unit