
Level Newsletter

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Upcoming Important Dates


From The Team

It was fantastic to see so many Foundation families attend our Open Morning and Open Evening during Education Week. Our room was buzzing with excited students as special visitors came to work with them. 


The whole-school Write-2-Read spelling program was introduced during Term 1, and the Foundation students have been working so hard learning letter names and the different sounds that individual letters can make. I have been very impressed with the way this knowledge has transferred into their writing when trying to write new words.


Rigour sessions are continuing to be a success in the morning, where students consolidate skills already taught in numeracy and literacy.


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I look forward to seeing all the students on Monday.


From Merran Maguire



What We Are Learning



  • Take home book to be taken home and read each night.
  • Reading log to be signed every night.
  • Water bottle to come to school every day.
  • Payment Due: 29/5/2024 Buddies Melbourne Museum Excursion (All Foundation & Year 6 students).


Try This...


Open Morning




Fun With 2D Shapes

