Mental Health & Wellbeing
Student Voice Committee
Dear Families,
A new ‘Student Voice Committee’ will commence this term. Megan Lowery and I will be overseeing the running of this group of students comprising of one representative from each of the Grade 4 and Grade 5 classes. The five School Captains will also be part of this, making a total of 13 students.
The elected members for 2024 are:
Year 4…
Alfie M
Lexie K
Harriet H
Leni J
Year 5…
Annie E
Parker C
Eddie H
Gaeb HC
These students will essentially be using their ‘voice’ and having a say about all things OGPS!! Very exciting!
We met last Friday and plan to have something to organise each term and the students have already started to consider projects like:
- school socks including design
- renaming the ‘Fake Grass’ area and some of our buildings (SLC, North Wing, etc.)
- school composting station
- boundary lines on the oval for footy
- more hopscotch and downball courts
- painting some activities / games on the new road (Asbury Street continuation)
- new concrete pathway to the year four classrooms.
We plan to meet two or three times per term at recess on Fridays. Megan Lowery will be presenting our ‘Student Voice Committee’ team with badges at the next school assembly on Friday 31st May.
We are both very excited and are looking forward to seeing what this group will learn and put into action over the coming months.
Have a great week.
Andy McNeilly
Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader