Principal Message

Dear Families,


Staff V Students: Last Friday saw a great game of footy played in terrific spirits between Year 6 students and some staff. Jade Hisco was a standout for the staff with Ash Morphet showing his various sporting abilities applied to football. We had some amazing Year 6 players who out marked and out ran the staff. I think the staff will say they won, and the students will say they did. Overall, it was great fun and entertaining for the younger students who watched on eagerly. Thanks to Mrs Dodds, who was influential off half back, for organising this event for all to participate in. 


Safety: At school we value safety. We have 4 teachers on yard duty at all break times to remind students about playing safely, not climbing trees, assisting with first aid, help sort social issues and at times remind students to not climb on roof. We would greatly appreciate families who are playing in the yard before or after school, actively supervising their children and reminding them to be safe at these times too. 


Before school: A friendly reminder that yard duty starts at 8.45am. It is beginning to be wet and cold of a morning and Camp Australia is available from 7am. Please make appropriate arrangements as no supervision is available until 8.45am. 


Swimming: Week 2 is well underway, and it is running like clockwork. The assistance from families has been fantastic and greatly appreciated by staff. Congrats to all involved. 


Prep 2025: Last week was Education Week and we had a number of visitors in classrooms on Friday morning seeing our students in action. Thanks so much for joining us! It is also the time of year when we start taking 2025 enrolments. You may already have one or two children at school, like I did when number three started. We actually forgot to put his enrolment form in!!! Don’t be like me and forget about younger siblings. Grab your enrolment form, fill it in and drop back to school! This helps us begin planning for next year. Thanks in advance. 


National Reconciliation week: National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our indigenous histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. We have recently formed a Reconciliation Action Plan working party and would welcome any members wanting to contribute and be part of it. Contact the office with your details and we will let you know when the next meeting is on.


Events across the School: Our wonderful P&F team do an amazing job at planning and organising events for the community. If you are not part of the P&F and want to organise an event, all you have to do is reach out to us at school, we will give you the paperwork that is submitted to School Council for approval and then submit your proposal and plan. School Council will guide you through the planning, budgeting etc so reach out if you are keen to add more value to the events calendar at school. Please see the current school calendar for events that have been planned and approved. If there is anything missing and you want to make it happen, please contact the school at or on 52551340 and leave us a message. 


May Day: Have a great day at May Day to all those who have purchased tickets. An amazing way to meet new families, solidify friendships and enjoy each other’s company! Thanks again to Georgia and the P&F team. 


School Garden Working Bee: Keep your eyes peeled for more info from Ross Gibson (School Council President and Sustainability leader) about how you can help in the upcoming working bee. If you can’t help on the day, there may be some materials that your family can donate to help. Ross has been talking about a ‘garden registry’ type list that we might publish and families could contribute that way. We hope to make this a great place to grow fresh food and produce, teach the kids about sustainability and add more value to the school. Get involved! 


Scott McCumber
