Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Focus
Home Reading
We are focussing on Home Reading in our next PBL focus. Every class are working to improve the number of students completing Home Reading every week. We are working towards a whole school target of 1362 positive Sentral entries for Home Learning. When we reach this target, students will be rewarded with a Pyjama Day!
Students are being reminded to:
- Read at home regularly
- Talk about your reading with an adult
- Fill in and return your home reading log every week"
PBL Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a PBL award at Friday's assembly:
KH - Evelyn Watt
KMB - Annabel Sharpe
KW - Hux Croft
1D - Sinclair Geluk
1L - Hamish Kavanagh
2RG - Damon Ray
2/3B - Noah Harrison
3ML - Marlee Hornby
3N - Ruby Jones
4S - Amelia Braaksma
4M - Dominic Brown
4/5WP - Charlotte Cormick
5BG - Lilah Green
6G - Zay Taylor
6D - Monique Dootson