Principal's Report

Principal's Message
Strategic Planning
Last night we had our P&C AGM and General Meetings. We went through the draft strategic plan and school vision statement for 2024-2027. In the process the following vision statement was endorsed by the P&C. Each part of this statement links out to an action within the Strategic Improvement Plan (SIP) which is why it is a more detailed vision statement. Quite often these actions will have a financial allocation attached.
For the most part, in regards to student learning and wellbeing the next 4 years will be business as usual, but the area I want to bring to your attention in the new vision statement is the following in bold: joy of learning, and extra curricular opportunities. This is the area where we will increase our investment, creating an exciting time for our school community.
Boambee Public School Vision Statement
Boambee Public School is a place to experience the joy of learning, be challenged and thrive.
Boambee Public School is a community of learners. Excellence in learning is achieved through the curriculum expertise of educators and the shared responsibility of parents, staff and peers to develop a love of learning in an environment that values individual success.
Boambee Public School celebrates challenges and recognises they come in many forms. Growth is achieved through reflection, goal setting and differentiated learning to challenge the learner and provide purpose and clarity. We actively create extra curricular opportunities to extend ourselves and develop critical and creative thinking.
We collectively create a positive environment for learning that is connected, supported and committed to wellbeing. A strong sense of belonging and high expectations fuel our individual potential.
So what does this look like on the ground?
We have already begun this work, and the following list gives you an idea of what is happening currently for our Boambee students as a result of this strategic investment:
- 11 student clubs - we will invest more time and financial allocation into teacher release to support our student clubs.
- Our Student Representative Council (SRC) will be provided with more formal leadership opportunities and further broadened to cater for students from broader backgrounds.
- We will provide our students with even more PSSA Knockout opportunities in cricket, AFL, softball, tennis, rugby league, touch footy, soccer, netball and basketball.
- We have committed to the continued extension of the musical program at Boambee with Mrs Sciortino. Our students will experience weekly musical lessons, musical theatre, dance, drama and choir. On June 3 our choir will participate with schools from right across the region at the Compass Music Festival in Woolgoolga. In August they will sing at the Opera house with schools from right across the state.
- Girls AFL will be a new opportunity. For example, last week Jordie and Sofia represented North Coast at the state championships and this week we entered our first all girls team into the Paul Kelly Cup. Our girls made the grand final in their first ever appearance at the PKC!
- We will provide our younger students with more sporting opportunities like the K/1 athletics events and the Stage 2 soccer gala day and NRL gala days.
- We will extend our Athletics carnival across 2 days for our Years 2-6 students.
- Our debating team will be supported for the life of this school plan. This Wednesday our debating team will compete against Kororo in our first formal debate.
- Increased formal leadership opportunities for our school captains will be provided. This Wednesday our school captains will go to the GRIP leadership conference with captains from right across our region.
- We will participate in Tournament of Minds (TOM) every year, and also provide professional learning for staff and teacher release to support our TOM team.
- We will pursue more opportunities for our students to experience hands on learning and exciting excursions like the Stage 1 Aquarium excursion yesterday.
- We will lease a vehicle to enhance our mountain biking program, with plans for Stage 1, 2 and 3 mountain biking to occur this year.
As you can see, Boambee Public School will continue to provide the best education money can buy!
2024 Parents and Citizens Association (P&C)
Last night within the P&C AGM, the new executive members of the P&C were voted in. Congratulations to the following community members:
Tas Alam - President
Kirralee Eade - Vice President
Sarah Edwards - Secretary
Megan Singleton - Treasurer
It was an absolute delight to have so many new members of the P&C present last night and we look forward to working with you over the next 12 months.
A massive thank you to the P&C who last night supported the Boambee Public School with $21,000 worth of donations from their fundraising initiatives:
- $17,500 will go towards the purchase of a new electronic school sign for the front of the school. $20,000 will be provided from school funds. This will cover the purchase and installation of a 2 metre ultra HD electronic sign for the front of the school.
- $2000 towards our standing order with Scholastic to continue to upgrade our library books.
- $1000 towards the purchase of a washing machine and dryer for our school sports uniforms.
- $500 towards fundraising for Year 6 excursions.
Well done to the P&C for our significant contributions to education at Boambee Public School!
Principal's Awards
Tana Donovan - 3ML
For his enthusiasm and positive attitude to learning.
Sofia Moore - 3ML
Isabella and Sofia demonstrated excellent sportsmanship during the Soccer Gala Day. When one of the teams they were versing were down a player, they both volunteered to play one half of the game for the other team so that each team could play fairly and no one missed out.
Isabella Strevens - 3ML
Isabella and Sofia demonstrated excellent sportsmanship during the Soccer Gala Day. When one of the teams they were versing were down a player, they both volunteered to play one half of the game for the other team so that each team could play fairly and no one missed out.
Laila Plummer - 4M
Showing a genuine interest in the learning and well-being of another student.
Blake Lawrence - KMB
Outstanding application across all learning areas.
Chase Turner - 4/5WP
Enthusiasm and dedication to building on his strengths.
Sunny Singh - 1L
For being focused on improving his learning.
Jaxon Moore - KH
Jaxon is extremely kind and well-mannered to his peers and teachers.
Mia Luck - 6G
Outstanding sports leadership at the K/1 Athletics Events.
Mahli Plummer - 6G
Outstanding sports leadership at the K/1 Athletics Events.
Harper Morison - 6D
Outstanding sports leadership at the K/1 Athletics Events.
Mikkila Eggins - 6D
Outstanding sports leadership at the K/1 Athletics Events and one for outstanding leadership skills with 2RG during PBL and Morning Movement lessons.
Oden Laurie - 2/3B
For being a resilient learner every single day.
School Photos
School photos will be sent home tomorrow. For additional orders or if you missed out please see information below.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.