Assistant Principal 

Year 9 & 10 

Last week, I had the privilege of attending the progress report award assemblies for the year 9 and 10 students. In these assemblies, we recognised students for their dedication, progress, and achievements in Term 1. 


Having now received their progress reports at the end of Term 1, it's an opportune time for both parents/carers and students to reflect on that recent progress report. The progress report offers valuable insights into academic performance, strengths, and areas for improvement, which then gives students and parents the opportunity to set meaningful learning goals for the coming term. Having a realistic and achievable goal to strive for is motivating for students as well as giving them an opportunity to navigate their own learning journey. 


Exciting changes are underway as our Middle School students transition to a new area of the school. This move signifies a fresh chapter in their academic journey, offering new opportunities for growth and exploration in an area dedicated to our Year 9 and 10 students. Students have settled well into their new lockers and are enjoying the volleyball nets at break times!


I am thrilled to share that the 'Interview to Impress' program, designed specifically for Year 10 students will occur on Monday 29th of April. 17 of our year 10 students have signed up for this program which aims to equip students with essential interview skills and techniques to confidently navigate future employment opportunities. Through interactive workshops, mock interviews, and personalised feedback sessions, students will gain invaluable insights into effective communication, professional demeanour, and presentation skills. 'Interview to Impress' is not only about preparing students for interviews but also instilling in them the confidence and self-assurance needed to excel in various real-world scenarios. Thank you to Mr Bullen and the engagement team for providing this opportunity for these lucky students. 


At Lalor Secondary College, the school provided laptop has become an essential tool for learning. We encourage all parents/carers and students, to ensure their laptops are fully charged and brought to school every day. Students should also report any damage immediately so that repairs can be arranged to minimise any disruption to the teaching and learning program. The college has provided the laptops to give students access to 21st century resources with no cost unless the laptop is damaged, graffitied on or the charger is lost. We will undertake a laptop audit of all devices over the year. I encourage you to report all damage early. The laptops remain the property of the college and the expectation is that they are well cared for by students. 


As Year 10 students approach a critical stage in their educational journey, work experience is an essential part of that. Work placements provide invaluable opportunities for students to gain real-world insights, develop essential skills, and explore potential career paths. Students will use this information to select their pathway for 2025 and beyond. I encourage all Year 10 students to actively seek a placement and finalise that paperwork as soon as possible. This is the best chance students will have to secure a placement that they enjoy. 


Finally, a reminder about the LSC Sport uniform. The only item that is able to be worn under the sport polo top is an LSC skin that can be purchased from Academy Uniforms in Thomastown. Students who are wearing a non-uniform item including a black long sleeve shirt underneath their sports polo top, will be asked to remove this. If students require additional warmth when in their sport uniform, they can wear the LSC rugby jumper also available for purchase at Academy uniforms. Please refer to our uniform policy that is on our website or the hardcopy document provided to every parent at enrolment. 


Julie Ryan

Assistant Principal