Assistant Principal 

Year 11 & 12

I am hoping that all students and their families have had a lovely restful break, and that students have returned refreshed and ready to do their very best. This term the year 11 and year 12 students have moved up to the new LA Library Arts building. The year level coordinators and Kat Carmody have their senior school office located on the second floor. This space also contains the Senior School Study Centre, with brand new facilities to study both individually and in small groups. It had been so wonderful to see students enjoying the new facilities and making the most of the opportunities they provide.

During next term we continue to provide numerous events and opportunities for students to explore post-secondary school pathway options to support their goal setting and planning towards 2025 and beyond. The year 12 Careers Expo on Thursday the 16th of May starts this off. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to investigate career and tertiary options in a range of fields, and to ask specific questions to support their individual planning and to set them off in the right direction.  


Term two is always a busy one with students having to complete several assessment tasks to determine achievement in units one and three VCE, as well as VM tasks to assess competencies for the required skills. Students should try to regularly check in with their teachers to determine how they are progressing in their work and to actively seek feedback to ensure they are able to achieve their best possible results. Regular revision and study assist in developing effective study routines and minimizing stress caused by pressures associated with managing time.


 End of semester exams for students in years 9 -11 are scheduled for the first couple of weeks in June, and provide excellent experience for our students to build upon skills required for successful study and performance under exam conditions.  This year the year 12 GAT – General Achievement Test is scheduled for the 18th of June.

All students completing a year 12 VCE subject including VM are required to sit the GAT. More information will be provided to both students and parents in the coming newsletter.


Laura Forster 

Assistant Principal