Specialist Classes

May 5 is Children's Day in Japan, when families celebrate the healthy growth and happiness of children. It is a festival mainly for the boys. On this day, families with boys fly huge carp-shaped streamers (koinobori) outside the house and display dolls of famous warriors and other heroes inside. The carp was chosen because it symbolizes strength and success.
In Japanese class this week, we celebrated the otoko no ko’s (boys) and created koinobori’s. The boys all had their photo taken with a katana (sword) and this was uploaded to Seesaw. We will also display the group photos on the Japanese room windows.
Gall Sensei and Wilson Sensei
This week, the Year 6 students went on an excursion to the National Gallery of Victoria to gather inspiration for their Year 6 self-portraits they have been creating in Visual Art. Throughout the day, we participated in three amazing activities, including a drawing session outside where we observed a large sphere sculpture called (this is) Air. We then moved into the Great Hall where we sketched the stained glass patterns in the ceiling above us.
Each group went on a gallery tour with an NGV guide, where we learned about a variety of different portraits in the gallery, including Bodhidharma a monk who we have learnt lots about during Japanese lessons. We also had time to walk around the galleries to explore in smaller groups. We had a great day at the NGV and are looking forward to displaying our self-portraits at the Art Show on Tuesday 27th June at Beaumaris Secondary College.
Written by Ethan, Mia & Violet - the Visual Art Captains
Congratulations to the students that took part in the District Cross Country at Dendy Park on Wednesday. Our students where great supporters of each other during racing and they also shared time and stories with friends they knew across the eight schools of the district.
Beaumaris Primary finished fourth with Beaumaris North Primary winning the day.
Beaumaris Primary will send eight runners to Division next week! Those runners are Alannah, Emily, Harry, Jack, Joseph, Persia, Archer and Pax.
We wish them all the best for their races at Karkarook Park on Thursday 23 May.
Many thanks to the parents that also attended to cheer on the competitors and for the helpers that made themselves available for the bus trip and for on course support.
Joe Lilburne
PE and Sport