From The Principal Team

Thank you to the many mums, grandparents and special friend's in our student's lives that joined us last Friday afternoon for a Mother's Day celebration. We hope you enjoyed some time with other mum's from our school community and time with your child in their classroom. Thank you for everything you do each and every day to help your child be the very best they can be, not only at school but at home, too. We are so proud of our students and you and your family are who shape them to be the wonderful people that they are.
Our next event that we'd like to extend a warm invite to is Grandparents and Special Friend's Day. This is an annual event for our school community. We love providing our students with the opportunity to have these people that they treasure join them here at school, which they then get to proudly and excitedly share. This will be held on Friday 7th June at 2pm. Please see the the attached flyer with details. This will also be shared via Compass.
Our staff have been looking into additional ways we can use Compass as a tool to communicate with families. Compass is already used to notify you of events, share communication messages and send emails, but it also has the ability to share a message with parents and carers through what is called a Chronicle. Our staff have begun using Chronicles to notify parents and carers of student's exemplary work or behaviours. It's a quick, lovely way to share a highlight that the teacher has noticed for that student. You will notice these Chronicles come through to your email, titled 'Compass Chronicle', in the same way that other Compass notifications are shared.
Congratulations to our students who represented Beaumaris Primary School yesterday at the district Cross Country. We are very proud of each and every one of you who gave it your very best effort and had a go! An amazing effort by a number of our students who will move into the next round, the division Cross Country. Thank you to our staff and the parents and carers who supported the students in this event, too.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Kind Regards,
David, Grace and Ellen