Principal's Report

Once again, as a Nation we honoured all of the men and women who have participated in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations around the world, including the ANZACs who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War I, as part of the ANZAC Day celebrations. Through dawn services and commemoration events throughout Australia and the world, we remember and give thanks to all of the fallen who sacrificed their lives for the freedom and peace we experience today. I trust families were able to take time to reflect on not only those who have served our country but the freedoms we enjoy as a result of their service.


'They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; 

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. 

At the going down of the sun and in the morning 

We will remember them.'


Next week we celebrate Catholic education week across our Diocese, a time to celebrate the profound impact of Catholic education in shaping hearts, minds, and spirits. This year, our theme, "Behold, I Make All Things New!", reminds us of the transformative power of faith, learning, and community. It is also a wonderful celebration of Catholic education. Catholic education week is also an opportunity to share our school through tours and information evening as we enter the enrolment period for the 2025 Foundation class. I encourage families to spread the word and we look forward to welcoming our next group of preps.


We wish the children competing at the next stage of Cross country all the very best for a fun and successful day. Thanks to Mr Coates and staff who will supervise and support the 40 children from Grade 3-6 on Wednesday.


We now move to wearing winter uniforms. Wearing a Holy Rosary uniform is a badge of pride, creates an identity for our school and is an important part of being part of our community. A Holy Rosary uniform shows that you are part of our school. Wearing it says we're all in this together. Also, when you wear your uniform with pride, it reflects the pride you have in not only your school but in yourself. We ask parents to support us in ensuring children are in the correct uniform.




Applications are called from parents wishing to enrol children in Foundation (Prep) and other classes at Holy Rosary Primary School for the 2025 school year.


Children may be enrolled to start school in February of the year in which they turn five, provided their birthday is on or before the 30th of April.


Paul Wilkinson 
