Devotion, From the Principal, Prayer Families & Birthdays


‘There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.’ This is the opening line of a poem that is recorded in the Bible in the book of Ecclesiastes. Depending on your age, you might remember it from the 1959 song, ‘Turn, Turn, Turn,’ written by Pete Seeger and made famous by the Byrds. I don’t… but you might! 


The poem and song reflect on the passing of time and the different seasons God gives to different activities in life. The message is that God ‘makes everything beautiful in its time’ (Ecc 3:11). We may not be able to understand his plans or purposes, but we can be thankful for each stage of life and the special blessings and lessons it brings. 


This Thursday in the church was the celebration of Jesus’ Ascension, when he returned to heaven to rule as king. This Sunday is Mother’s Day, when we thank God for the gift of mothers and those who care for us. These celebrations remind us of the passing of time and the opportunity to honour different people and different events in different ways. 


Jesus’ first disciples found it hard to trust God with the ‘timing’ of their lives. They always wanted to know what would happen when and why. Jesus had to remind them that only God has that kind of knowledge and that is okay (Acts 1:7). He helps us live by his timing rather than our own. He forgives our past, blesses our present and secures our future. Our time is in his hands. 


Pastor Ben






Last week I attended the Australian Independent Schools Northern Territory (AISNT) AGM and general meeting in Darwin. I heard from the Australian Independent Schools Association about the priorities and challenges for independent schools in 2024. I’ve attached a link to an article about the meeting. Independent Schools Play a Vital Role in the Northern Territory – Independent Schools Australia ( Also at the meeting was the new NT Education Minister Mark Monaghan. Minister Monaghan was clear about being the minister for all schools and mentioned he is aware that independent schools in the NT are the only underfunded private schools in Australia. As we are coming into this election period, I ask that you mention this when talking to your local politician. 


During the meetings it was great to network with not only the other NT Lutheran schools but independent schools from across the NT. One of the significant discussions surrounded the changes to the Registration of Independent Schools process. Living Waters have completed our re-registration and our strategic planning process will be completed this year. This puts us in a positive position ahead of our next registration review. 


Next week you will receive a letter with a link to complete LESNW’s Health Check. The Health Check is the beginning of our strategic planning process and your opinions matter. Please take the time to complete the questionnaire.


It is camping season at Living Waters. The Nest is currently at camp at Yirara. The children have worked with the Yirara mob to cook roo tail, have adventures around Emily Gap and the Desert Park, and enjoy delicious meals in the dining hall. Thanks to the Nest team, especially Ms Gardner. Looking forward to the Village camp next week. 


Congratulations to Larapinta for taking out the school cross country last week! Good luck to our team of 24 taking on the interschool cross country next Tuesday. 




Mrs Lisa Goldsworthy



for the coming fortnight: 


Harman, Harvey, Hattingh, Holden, Hunter, Hunter, Jones, Khaira, Kim


And staff:


Amanda Kimpton, Rakhi Kumari, Narelle Lightfoot, Carolynn Losee



Happy Birthday to the following students for the coming fortnight:


Valentina St Clair, Braxton South